The 4.11.3 Co Op nerfs

No. I’d like to have my cake and eat it to. Thus, start with dotted circles, and leave everything else as is. I doubt this’ll be done (much like all of the further buffs people are asking of for Karax), but I’m still going to throw it out that that’s what I’d prefer.

Previous Zeratul allies didn’t have a problem with it. Plus, we’d need to define “carry”. If he does 90% “of the work”? 75%? 60%?

Sorry, but that’s not how it works. See my above-linked thread about escalation. That kind of approach to PvE balancing is why you have gear in Diablo 3 that boosts the damage of a particular skill by 13000%.

Are you so sure of that? People gripe about how powerful Abathur can be, and he’s one of the highest skill-ceiling commanders available, are you really sure most people are okay with having to play alongside someone who can be twice as powerful for a 1/10th of the effort? In general, people play the game to…you know…play the game? Make units, fight battles, come up with strategies, put in an effort and see the fruits of it, not just sit and watch while someone else does most of the work (let’s put a rough number on it and say 70%); we’ve got streaming for that. And it might be fun for VIP Access Zeratul to steamroll missions with little effort and little need to engage with 90% of the game’s mechanics, but it’s not fun for everyone else.

Why are we focusing on Zeratul then? If I want bang for low effort I’ll always pick Tychus…

With Zeratul I micro the teleporter thingies, put effort in finding the artifact (waypoint trick still costs apm) and have to think a bit about composition and use different legions for different mission…

With Tychus I can blindly go Tychus/Sirius/Rattlesnake/(and Nux on longer mission) and never run into trouble even if I let my heros die up to 4 times…

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There is a problem here and it’s that the bar for how much effort you need to put to beat brutal missions is really low, I can mass dragoons and win every game with no effort, dt corsair and win every game no effort, mass carrier fenix same, nova hero solo same, that’s why I like to see how these strategies deal with mutations and it’s only there where they start to fail, in this case Tychus will easily beat any brutal mission with those 3 outlaws but in mutations they are sometimes not the best composition to go for and Tychus can struggle to beat the mutations or he can’t do it at all without ally help, which is good, meanwhile zeratul before the nerf could go mass cannons vs every mutation and win with little effort regardless of what the ally does.

That’s what I’d like, but I’m just throwing it out there. I’m not realistically expecting them to implement it. It’ not unlike many of the suggestions others have thrown out for Coop over the time.

You failed in found the artifacts … its a pretty good argument of you being bad at the game . If you lose with zeratul ( and even pre nerf) , you are/were really bad … he was insanely OP (and he still is ).

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I play zeratul regularly and I can tell you that he is still very OP. 400 mineral for cannon wasn’t that bad too.

Actually, Im not, I never bother with the Tezeract Cannons.

Demanding perfection? That’s an awfully strong argument you got there :3

Im sure you realize no one will always do something perfectly, a new person can make this mistake, even a vet can, if somehow they are having a bad day. Why do you expect perfection when constant perfection is a fallacy?

This is one thing I never understand among other people, why do people honestly, truly believe, that ANYONE can be perfect all the time?

Anywho…Im sorry for how I reacted, it doesn’t help that very often has Blizzard nerfed things in their games, things that I’ve liked, and nerfed them heavily for reasons I couldn’t ever really see as a thing. There are times where I notice something is grossly overpowered, but sometimes I don’t see everything.

Like take what they’ve done with WoW…most of the classes, including Balance Druid, feel EXTREMELY weak now. Like with level appropriate gear against things my level, I should be roflstomping stuff, but mobs take longer then normal to die now, it is…weird to say the least, and annoying, makes me miss Cataclysm.

Either way, Im sorry, it has been…very hard for me to accept anything they do as having a legit reason when it doesn’t outwardly seem to have one.

Because controlling 3 units is hard, right? :slight_smile:

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I still don’t get it. Fine, cannons were ridiculous, but why cripple the shieldguards? I ain’t coming back and spending another dime on this game until they make some new maps and revert this insane Zetatul nerf. It seems like they only nerf the Protoss. c

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I’m pretty sure half the whining was due to the Mengsk nerfs. And let’s not turn this into a General Discussion type of convo.

It’s already gone there.