Taeja embarassed in the gsl

Actually the top foreign Terrans are doing better than Protoss.

Sure they are. yet 99% of all terrans has PvT has their worst match up. cringe. The match up is not even fun.

This is how every single PvT starts. P builds pylon scouts. harrras scv building barracks in some cases delaying the barracks. scv follows said probe across the map to random places

P chronos stalker or adept out immediatly send it across the map. If there is not a bunker its gg right there.

While staker is walking across the map builds nexus and shield battery

T fights off stalkers. prepares for blink stalker all in or Z all in

Or fights off stalker plans 1 base all in. walks across map and P easily defends all in. with shield battery and 1 immortal and a couple stalkers. gg

toss attacks. defends and expands.

This happesn all the way up to pro league. and then only 3 or4 terrans last past those 5 to 7 mins of every PvT

So cringe to watch.

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Well, you’re literally looking at it in that link. I’m not giving my opinion here.

The average T and P are doing about the same as the average Z, I wouldn’t say Clem, Heromarine and Special are average terran players.Average are Soul,future, khelazur,marinelord…Heromarine and Clem are really good.

Probably not better, both players are at about the same level, even if its Taeja, it is not the old Taeja that rolled over his enemies each summer, it’s a returning player who tried on GSL after a long time while Creator was an active player.

That does not make sense, P in first place when toss does not win a single tournament and Z at the last place while being the race that wins the most tournaments followed by T.

LOL! Dude first of all you would zero games in GM and secondly if you would honestly have trouble beating gold players in TvP that is 100% a L2P issue.


It is as I said it will be… kneel before me… plebeians of bnet…

Actually yes. You grossly overestimate Taeja. He’s not as good as he was in the past and we shouldn’t rank players based on past results and reputation…

At this moment, in Protoss vs Terran, Creator is the better player. They’re not too far off I guess since they’re both clearly RO24 placeholders but it was pretty obvious from the games that Creator was more prepared and played better during the day.

Let us reevaluate. After protoss is no longer op. Right now the balance is so broken. Record statistics have been set. By protoss of course.

What makes no sense is judging race strength off of tournament winners. What happens when a new patch hits and someone wins the next tournament? That race is the strongest? And another race wins the next one, so they’re equal now?

Come on, tournament wins is literally the worst measure of balance possible.

So, here is the thing. Taeja’s TvP has been abysmal for a while now. However, Taeja’s TvZ is capable of going toe to toe with Dark and Rogue - so much so that he was the one to knock dark out of the day 1 qualifiers. If Dark had fallen to Zest, which given how bad PvZ is, was never going to happen, I could have seen Taeja beating Dark to make it out. He already had done so once before.

However, Zest vs Taeja was not a series I would have expected him to win. Creator vs Taeja is a different matter.

The first match of Creator vs Taeja was certainly a misread by Taeja, though in saying that TvP openers are 90% guessing games for the Terran and if you guess wrong you straight up die. That’s how it has been for years, and ultimately Taeja played fairly greedy in game 1 - similar to how he played versus Zest.

The real problem was game 2 of Creator vs Taeja.

Taeja scouted the proxy, pulled SCVs got the bunker up and ultimately it doesn’t matter. Though the location of the bunker wasn’t good, being so close to the stargate, it ultimately meant that Creator couldn’t simply keep building shield batteries to support his voidrays.

If he DID have the bunker in the main it wouldn’t matter anyway. Voidrays are now cheaper, buld faster and move faster at base speed and they can easily avoid the bunker. Or straight up kill it with overcharge.

Even if he had managed to delay long enough to get vikings out to kill the void rays, it wouldn’t matter because vikings can no longer fight and kite them since voids are as fast as vikings, and will keep firing so long as they’re in range.

Cyclones are mediocre at best vs voidrays as well, and the increased base move speed makes it much easier to escape the lock on.

Bunkers are not the answer and marines are flat out useless until they have large numbers, stim and medivacs.

I have seen lot of proxy voids against terran since the buffs. I haven’t seen anyone hold it yet. No koreans. No europeans, no GM players.

Special played a series vs Parting today, and scouted the proxy voidray earlier than Taeja did in his seroes vs Creator, and still wasn’t able to hold.

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All terran tvp is abysmal for awhile now…

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To be fair, when he does his homework on build orders he can be good but like… at the same time it’s clear he doesn’t understand what he’s studying because many times I’ll be watching and artosis is saying ‘oh this is X build for SURE’ and I’m staring at it like ‘uhhh that makes no sense why would he do that, it’s just a Y build’ and then artosis is like ‘oh wait no it’s a Y build nevermind’

I really like artosis but his bias drives me crazy because he’s so painfully unaware of it and it really hurts his casting.

Anyone else notice how tasteless carried the last GSL finals cast? Like from the start, artosis is biting his lip because he wants to whine about zerg so much and tasteless is like, actually excited to see rogue play so he just took the drivers seat and lead the cast when usually it’s artosis leading.


False, Innovation managed to hold a Proxy-VR from Parting yesterday. I would opt for a meaningful buff to VR for mid-late game instead of a front-loaded one that is just boosting the cheese potential and terran tears.


No other Terran in GSL would lose to Super in macro games.

I think Taeja just doesn’t take the game seriously anymore. He had plenty of time to prepare. He had two Protoss in his group including his first opponent… and this is the plays he came up with? Disappointing for a player with his reputation.

Did Innovation, dream, cure, and TIME retire? I do not think so…

Or maybe there is balance problem. Since protoss dominate gm league. And overperform in elo in whole pro scene. And have biggest eco and most efficient unit according to maguro… when the stars align to say protoss is op… it is op…

Give it a bit of time. It also took some time to figure out the BC opener. If there is really no solution, it should be changed, but who knows, mayeb there is a correct way to hold that is not known yet.

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Yeah. We had one year and a half of 3rax reaper before it was nerfed… i think we can reevaluate this in one year and a half :upside_down_face:.

In all seriousness though, I really don’t see void ray cheese sticking around.


:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

Protoss has been dominating gm. Since 2018… it has been long enough… too long…

They’re both kinda clueless on sc2 tbh, but I agree Artosis is more whiny lately.