Collosus on the field ? Build vikings and GG enjoy the hard counter. Completely different from EMP which is just a hard counter to every protoss unit and every spell casters, guess who’s race depends solely on spellcasters ? You guessed right if you answered Protoss
Also if you can’t deal with prism speed then you better delete the game cus it’s a dead meme build that’s easily scouted and countered by building one viking, having it patrol on deadspace and build 1-2 cyclone than transitioning into siege tanks. Easy as that
Ghosts on the field ? Build disruptors and GG enjoy hard counter. Completely different from Colossus which is just a hard counter to every Terran unit and every light unit, guess who’s race depends soley on light units ? You guessed right if you answered Terran
Also if you can’t deal with mass marauder then you better delete the game cus it’s a dead meme build that’s easily scouted and countered by building zealots, having it amove on ground and build 1-2 stalkers than transitioning into storm. Easy as that
If you are using stalkers to deal with liberators then they arent going to have ghosts because they don’t have the production or economy to do both liberators and ghosts.
Disruptors outrange ghosts quite a bit, but you’re correct, half their HP is in shields. Given their massive range though, why are they getting EMPed? They should be at the back ready to nova ghosts that might come forwards to EMP.
Tempests have longer AA than ghosts have EMP, if you’re dealing with libs then tempests are fine. Ghosts can EMP the tempests but that doesnt really matter because:
Tempests are large units - unless tempests are stacked on top of each other all the time, you’re going to hit maybe 2 tempests.
Terran doesn’t really have anything to follow up on the EMP outside of vikings which are outranged by tempests, and must fly into stalker fire/storm to kill them. This means that the tempests can simply poke and retreat if they get EMPed because shields regenerate fairly quickly outside of combat, and EMP doesn’t do any hull damage.
Nobody is going to waste EMPs on tempests because it is much more important to EMP the templar who are more dangerous in the majority of cases. Once that is done, then you blanket EMP. But if you dont get the templar, you put yourself in a very bad position because you’re wasting EMPs.
What this means is that it becomes a micro and positioning battle that is extremely easy to screw up on both sides of the coin.
As for BCs, I really have no comment on them except for the fact that they are extremely expensive to produce. Frankly I don’t like Tactical Jump -something I have said plenty of times before. I think its a huge crutch for BCs, but without it, BCs would need to be completely redesigned without the ability in place to make them even somewhat useable.
Design wise it fits in no catagory. Cost for cost its literally a unit people wish to avoid. Tech wise its in the latest tech tree of protoss.
The tempest cant even kill there designated counters, BC and BL intime. THATS how bad it is.
And now you want ppl to spam them to 1 shot a liberator? Delusional terran is delusional.
Making tempest = making sure you are going to lose. The unit doesnt add ANYTHING to the protoss army. Getting free pot shots off against units that can instantly heal back up is useless.
Lemme adress all those points you made for you.
Tempest are getting ‘buffed’ because terrans EMP blanket entire protoss armies INCLUDING the tempest. Tempest stack up because they are air units.
Terran has ALLOT to follow up after EMP. If you have reactored liberators, you have reactored viking production. It is your fault for not scouting when the tempest are teched into. They have 9 AoA range. Thats more then the stalkers range. And Storm is already shut down by EMP.
You are never wasting EMP’s. Stats vs Maru, stats didnt even make ANY high templar. Yet maru decided he wanted ghost PURELY for EMPING shields. THATS how strong EMP is currently.
Honkhonk why are you even in these forums, its clear you know NOTHING about balance.
Disruptors dont do anything vs ghost. rofl. If your THAT delusional because in your gold league it happens. I am sorry but your opinion is IRELLEVANT.
Also your ‘reaction to mass marauder’ is horribly absolutely dead wrong. There is no such thing as ‘mass marauder’ without marines.
The problem comes from the extreme lead terran has on 2 base, Right when there techlabs and reactors finish. The terran has a HUGE moment to swing at.
If you 2 base late expo as protoss vs 2 base as terran, you basically already lost the game because you cannot expand and make units at the same time as protoss. Because the units are extremely expensive.
Why do you think you see 120 protoss supply vs 140/150 T supply during midgame? Think. Terrans units are CHEAPER and MORE cost efficient.
Terrans think disruptors are storm 2.0 that literally always guarantees hits.
They see stim running back as something only pros do because they dont look at there army when they are attacking.
Most terrans dont even realise if theres disruptors the only OTHER units the protoss has is gateway units. Gateway units get MELTED by MMM, always has been the case.
If the disruptor misses. gets baited. Terran splits, terran runs, terran picks up. The disruptor shot is wasted and all you have left is weak gateway armies. Zealots that cant engage due to concussive, stalkers that cant engage because instantly die to any focus fire.
The ammount of times ive seen incompetent terrans literally stimming all there units to run away from the nova’s is 9/10 games. Those same incompetent F2 terrans still WRECK everything straight after with a amove stim.
You counter disruptors by letting them eat a unit. If a disruptor eats a ghost it’s almost paid for itself already but forced the Terran to split. Go watch Maru vs Trap.
Mass marauder implies a higher marauder count relative to marines, right? Marauders tickle zealots so you’ll have basically no DPS in your army.
English please.
The individual expense of the units impacts their cost effectiveness how? This is like gold league logic. Dude I thought you were just diamond or low masters, buddy.
Normally it’s pretty even supply but I don’t really pay too much attention to supply in pro games? I just sort of gauge the units as they are.
And your original comment was on the ease of control, that it was somehow easier to land EMP than Disruptor (it is, and it better be, because a single nova in the middle of your ghosts - which are slow as hell- means the game is OVER). You can cast the Novas quite easily like a jab that’s meant to range out your opponent, but to LAND a big nova? It better be difficult.
Now you’re talking about liberators, a seige unit. So fine, what do you think is easier to control, a Colossus, which you can just walk forward and shoot with, or a directional immobilized siege unit that I have to place individually…?
The directional immobilized siege unit that one shots most stuff and cost twice as little 100%
The collosi are a joke in LotV, only counters light, and not even very effectively. Also lets not forget collosi’s healthpool and them being able to take damage from ground to ground and air to air.
if you dont micro collosi u auto loss.
If u dont micro liberators noone cares cuz u have 200 more behind it