Still havent fixed this game

Some feedback for Blizzard - although I dont think they will read it or take it seriously.

Its nice the game is now free - that’s kind of cool - but you still havent managed to fix or balance the game in the least.

Terran is still FAR too OP - at least compared to Zerg, and I see very few Protoss players - so Im assuming its pretty much the same there too.

Its the same state it was in just after release - Terran has far too many tools with far too much power (Hi liberator, battle cruiser, firebat) - which results in repetitive and boring gameplay. You arent going keep players when you clearly have things completely out of balance. It’s just not fun.

And before I hear the “your only in silver league, what do you know…” etc etc. Just stop. It doesnt take an expert to comment on balance - especially when I can out supply my opponents 200 to 130 and still get ROFL-stomped like Im at 80 supply or something.

Blizzard is trying to save SC2 by make it free, because quite frankly the game is dying - however they have STILL not fixed the fundamental problems.

Feedback over I can now go back to uninstalling this game.

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I’m going to predict that Blizzard will continue to ignore your “feedback” because you haven’t the slightest clue of what you’re talking about when it comes to the balance or design of the game.

Unless this is some kind of parody thread and I haven’t realized this yet.


I mean maybe blizzard will listen. they dont know their own game and nerfing terran and buffing zerg is their favorite thing.

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Have you tried building drones and expanding though?
Have you tried maxing out on hydras?
(and then broodlord/corruptor if that failed?)

If you need half a minute to spend your larvae, expand way too late and don’t keep your ressources low, you will loose against everything.

Post a replay and we can help you improve BUT that means you have to work on your OWN mistakes and stop complaining about the fool on the other side who doesn’t have a clue of the game either.

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This is nothing new for zerg, zerg can max out extremely fast compared to protoss and terran(bio vs ling/bane are a lot closer to supply though). I don’t understand why you think that 120 supply of roaches should win you the game against siege tanks and why is that bad design.

I love your assumptions. They are about as silly as you can possibly make them - obviously a weak attempt to insult rather than dealing with the issue at hand.

The only reason I choose to respond is to make you choke your own stupidity and ridiculous comments. What a TOXIC community. No wonder why this place is dying.

For the children in the thread:

  1. No - I didnt use roaches. I used a combination of zerg, banelings, roaches, hydralists and muta’s
  2. The strategy was to take out the siege tanks with the muta’s and deal with the rest with the other units
  3. I quickly ran into BC’s - so I switched to Corrupters - which got pwned by the BC’s. BC’s single handled won my opponent the match.
  4. I destroyed several of my opponents expands during the match while contining to expand myself - which did no good.

And just for fun - Ive decided to post the replay to prove it. Do I think Im a perfect player? No. Is there room to improve? I know there is - however its pointless when I need to play much harder than my opponent, or I need a miracle to win. Its CLEARLY not balanced. Which makes it UN-FUN.

I also realize that most your personalities are so disgusting here that it wouldnt matter what replay I post - I’d still get spiteful and stupid comments back. Like I said. TOXIC.

Welp - looks like it wont let me post a link to the replay. For whatever reason.

Use the “Preformatted text” button. It will let you post links that way.

Here’s the thing… you’re a silver league player. You barely know what’s up from down, let alone grasp the concept of macro. What this effectively means is that you literally have no idea how to play the game, other than maybe what unit is supposed to counter what. Even then, that’s shaky at best. You don’t make units consistently, you don’t expand at the appropriate times, have poor macro cycles, your creep spread would be terrible, your injects even worse, and quite possibly don’t even understand what control groups are. It’s doubtful you do anything past the most basic scouting too. Basing balance off silver league games is asinine at best.

Corruptors are good against BCs, but need to be paired with other units that can tank damage, or prevent them from Teleporting away. With the way Zerg is designed, they’re also supposed to severely outnumber the opponent, die, and then remax on a bank.


Terran stronger than Zerg? Just build a bunch of lurkers/ling/bane/vipers and win every game, easy.

The “issue” is that you blamed balance before looking to your own play as the reason for losing.

You’re pretty damn toxic yourself. This place is “dying” because it’s a decade old and most people prefer to spend their time better.

Yeah, being condescending is really going to help you. It sounds like you didn’t do nearly as well as you think you did. If you lost despite what you listed, chances are you are not yet capable to understand why you lost, and that’s part of why you’re silver league. I suggest watching higher ranked Zerg players on twitch tv if you want to learn how to better play Zerg.

This game is balanced, technically. It’s just you have to do about five things simultaneously throughout the game. If you want a challenging, balanced game then I suggest playing Sekiro, Code Vein, CrossCode or Nightmare difficulty in Evil Within 2 or any Dark Souls game. Balance is not why you are losing in Silver League. If balance was never why I lose in Diamond, it sure as hell isn’t why you lose in Silver.

You are actually much worse than anyone I’ve seen here. We’re just not catering to you.


If you consider what i wrote insults then you have never being insulted in your life. Anyway if you are silver you can win with almost anything if you are better than your opponent, compositions do not matter in your lvl.

Using lings,banes,mutas on silver league won’t get you far since you don’t have the army control to make use of the composition and be effective with it, there are tons of guides online of how to play zvt on any league.

All in all there is no issue to deal with, balance affects only the top of the ladder which is players that have their basic micro and macro down to a T, not in silver league which players can’t even properly multitask.


First of all:
We have all been in bronze. And the ONLY difference between you and the people giving you advice is to accept that it is OUR OWN fault when we loose.
(that and experience / watching guides, streames, …)
Do you really think that you have more skill and knowledge than someone who played the game for over 6 years, watched and played 1-2 hours each day on average?
It isn’t about IQ either - it’s just experience. If you think that you can just do anything by using your brain instead of asking people with experience every now and then, you are wasting an enormous amount of time.
There is a reason why humanity has evolved so much and it is the ability to communicate.

Personally, I will write this comment to help you and to give you some help in hopes that you will be a great part of the community and help others once you’ve achieved something skill-wise. Insulting you for being a noob would be bad investment as new players always bring motivation to the community.

This is way too complicated.

  • Let’s just assume you have an apm of 100.
    → Mutas require a lot of micro meaning you have less time to macro so with less than 150 apm, mutas are usually a waste because all the enemy has to do, is getting a few turrets, thors and widow mines with drilling claws.
    If you can’t stop the enemy from taking a 3rd base or getting a huge worker lead, it’s a waste of gas.
    → Gas and time as well as larvae (only zerg) are the most important ressources.
  • Without gas you can’t build great units like lurkers and broodlords (or vipers and infestors for that matter but those require a lot micro so unless your opponents go mass voidrays, I wouldn’t try to make you train the micro here).
  • If you are too late (upgrades, tech, units, drones), you will loose the game or have a disadvantage with any strategy even though the strategy is viable or even very good.
  • Without larvae, you can’t go mass lings as they require a ton of larvae (broodlords, ultras and of course queens require the least amount of larvae).

TL;DR: You will achieve the highest impact with an army composition that you can control well and that you can maxout fast with. (i.e. mass roaches vs. a muta switch or roach/ling nydus vs. a BC transition or lurkers vs. a ground army or vipers vs. mass mutas or mass voidrays).

Good thinking. The problem here is multitasking, macro and micro as well as “trading efficiently”.
So if the opponent has 10 siege tanks (1,250 gas) and you take out all of them with your mutas but only loose 3 mutas (300 gas), this is a great trade.
If you loose 10 mutas it is an even trade at first BUT what does the economy look like?
→ If you micro for 2 minutes and your opponent only a-moved his thors, then built workers, more thors, BCs, hellions/hellbats, it was an awesome trade for the terran.
→ Very important idea here: “upkeep”:

  • base upkeep (build and distribute workers to get to and maintain an optimal saturation). This also means that you get an advantage by destroying an enemy base or enemy workers as you will have an economic lead. (If you don’t build army, you can loose to an allin or a simple attack / timing attack of course.)
  • Production upkeep:
    Build stuff from your hatcheries! every. second. After the game you will see your average unspend ressources. For zerg there should be your “average unspend larvae”, too.
    If you have 10 larvae and you let them be for 10 seconds and then build 10 drones, that’s a total of 10 x 1 mins/sec x 10 sec = 100 minerals wasted (2 less drones which will be missed). This might not sound much but this is huge in the early game and it could be more than 10 seconds.
    It’s the reason why someone maxes out with the same army 5 minutes earlier than you.

TL;DR: Learn what “upkeep” means and spend your time efficiently. Don’t micro or build units that require heavy micro / multitasking if you can’t maintain your income & production.
Broodlords will do the same job (taking out tanks and everything on the ground) but way easier and way better with 3 simply clicks (select army, a-move).

Remember “upkeep” and “upgrades”?
If you had more income and armor upgrade(s) for the corruptors, it would’ve been a walk in the park. Corruptors destroy BCs and if you get them in time (before too many BCs are out), you don’t have to use fancy micro like abduct (to cancel yamato cannon) or neural parasite (infestors).
You can also build mass spore crawlers if you have a ton of drones and not enough gas though.

Good job!
Again: “upkeep” & efficiency:
If you destroy a base that’s great but if you loose your army to do it, it’s a waste.
Swarm hosts, Lurkers and Broodlords are awesome when you want to take out a base. Swarm hosts with nydus or lurkers (with or without nydus) might be the best choice though.
That’s why you should max out asap and scout all the time so you don’t have an ineffective army vs. what your opponent has so you don’t waste ressources (time, gas, minerals, larvae). Though in silver league you can just max out with hydras and like 5 broodlords every time (get lurker and broodlord tech once you start hive every game).


How did you get multiple quotes working? Do you have time to make a screenshot of your text while you edit it?

Edit: You have to put “[/quote]” and “[quote]” in their own lines.
Edit2: Thanks, lordish!
Edit3: Saved 2 links for the most frequent questions (how to quote, how to post links). Noice!

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You can left click and drag the part you want to quote from a post

like that

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Alphastar will balance game sooner, that these chimp devs. They have dementia, they are completely stupid and retarded. Stupid idiots…

u gotta build corruptors instead, those destroy bcs from my experience


u seem very tilted

I think you already got your answer, but drag the pointer to highlight what’s written. When you let go of the LMB at the end of the highlight, the option to quote pops up.

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