Stetmann Possesses Frustrating Mechanics and Takes Twice the Effort To Achieve the Same Power Level As Other Commanders

I never said Infestor is hard. I do however, disagree that Hydra is more brain dead than infestor because I only use minimap to play the game when using Infestor.
With Hydra, you still need to use A move and spread the satelite thing, with infestor, just hover over the minimap, lol.

His structures are limited because they automatically spawn units after collection remnants of died units. I guess it is done to prevent bugs. The only structure where the limit really matters is Spire where you have 6 upgrades for attack-armor and 4 unique. For all other there was never a reason to build multiple ones. And Evolution chambers are not limited.

Abilities of his units are much more powerful than for others commanders and besides that literally his EVERY unit has this abilities. Energy restoration is much more faster than passive for other commanders and gives bonuses for allies too.

Well, yes, could be a liitle bit annoying sometimes, but again its not just solid bonuses for Stetmann army, but for allies too. And for emergencies there’s Super Gary with his own field.

I would argue that they pay off pretty good. Maybe BCL is not the best example, but lings, hydra, banes, ultras, corruptors absolutely shred enemy forces.

Thats true for hydras, yes, but they were never supposed to tank the damage. Lings, banes, ultras are extremely tanky and can soak tons of damage if managed right. And don’t forget, that all his units recycle after death.

Agreed, would be nice. Maybe a little nerf from 60 to 50 for full mastery to compensate.

Its really 10s even with full mastery in Statellite cd mastery. What I think of is reducing the time between placing a statellite and its real activation. Because now even if you have statellites stored you have to wait ~2s before placing each next one to form a way somewhere. Its really the annoying part.

Have to disagree here. In the stetzone with overload his units are stronger than most of the similar options for the rest of commanders. Lings - better, banes - really hard to say with confidence, hydras - much better, lurkers - shorter range than Kerrigan’s but abilities are pretty powerful, ultras - better, corruptors - much better, BCL - better.

Again, overloading statellites makes wonders.

More improvements I can think of - add autocast to corruptors AOE ability and ultras burrow charge. That would make sense. And probably reduce energy cost and damage to compensate this and avoid instant energy loss.

I have to agree with the people saying stet is a top commander right now, Just a tiny bit weaker than zeratul and abathur because of his weak very early game (before 4 minutes).

The infestors are basically immune to most mutators and they get even more broken with an ally who can donate expo gases, stet right now is definitely a top commander if you want to do b+6 cause it’s the best commander vs most of the mutators that usually appear here (best vs heroes, makes black death dissapear for the ally too, just die doesnt matter to the infestors, infestors just overwhelm transmutation, something stukov was never able to do, and stukov was commander of the week almost every week before his nerfs)

If anything I think his unpopularity comes mostly from the stetlag.


I’d like to see a video of it.

I think Stetmann’s unpopularity simply comes from him being an annoying and unfitting leader for the amazing and really cool Stimulants race and which seems like far far more advance technology than anything Stetmann ever would be able to create and would also require a lot man power than just one terrazine junky scientist in the forest. If they would have just chosen a better leader like maybe someone from the UED or the Umojans I think he’d have been a lot more popular.

Like if you read the lore on the stimulant units in the collection tab by overing your mouse over them, that all seems a lot more interesting. Some kind of mysterious project started by who knows who that went wrong, yea I like that a lot better.

( injection sound ) Ah! That’s the stuff!


https: //

Double edge/barrier Brutal+ Solo with only half the cap supply.
I am not even good.

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WoW: Mists Of Pandara reference? If so, TBF, Kung Fu Panda was all the rage then.

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