StarCraft II Update - October 15, 2020

You lie and manipulate facts to fit your agenda. Or maybe you just don’t know what you are talking about. My bad… I don’t know what you have against myohmind, this guy at least makes effort, blizzard does nothing…

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for years the dude literally did this to others.

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The greatest post-10th-anniversary update telling you about reducing amount of the future updates.
I do understand that coop commanders do not pay off well and needs lots of works after releasing. And it is just simply hard to come up with a special, unique , fun, but balanced commander. It seems that if you want to make any new commander, it will be either op, too weak, or repetitive… If you are just running out of inspiration, just say so, we understand. If SC2 is not a quite profitable game (as most of RTS nowadays), just say it, we know.
Don’t dodge the problem by saying PoS like “we care”, or "StarCraft universe as a whole. "


Maybe people will then stop whining about nerf and buffs and actually get down to practicing and getting better. Remember, if you are not in the top 5% of the pro level scene, then the problem is not the race; not the unit; not the map.

Just you.


Please don’t move developers off of sc2, right after you created a mass bug in the botting api. Sc2 bot makers is a big community and we need this fixed to continue.

Lol bc teleport forever in the game now xD just when I thought this company couldn’t get stupider

“Hey we dominate the rts genre how about lets screw that up royally and then walk away?”


I never thought the day would come but I agree 100% with Velitey and Ace on the post above.

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The guy who wrote the post showed he’s an arrogant SOB. He literally is spitting in the faces of the StarCraft community. It would have been better for him to have not put that post out because it’s demoralizing and will only drive people even further out of the game.

Btw there are people blizzard could have work for free to keep the game going. For free. Costs them nothing but they won’t do it. How demoralizing


Blizz “We’ve done everything we can.”
Fan “What should i do?”
Blizz “Spend your time with it when it still can.”
Fan sobbing

Blizzard: “We’ve actively supported and created content for this game for the last 10 years. We’re officially announcing no more paid content so we can focus on the SC universe rather than just SC2. We will still do balance updates though not for Q4 due to the very recent balance patch.”


Seriously, with the kind of attitude some of you are giving this honest and open announcement, I’m not surprised they aren’t making new content. I wouldn’t want to either for a bunch of ingrates that don’t consider the already significant investment into this one game even with the official statement of ONGOING PATCH SUPPORT.


There, There…

I guess microbial fart and tactical gay are here to stay.

No golden age buildings for toss, no non-robot skin for zerg :frowning:

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this is my only real complaint, because frankly balance is a mess right now.

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Good thank you for killing the franchise


Thank you for the transparency.

Though I am disappointed that there will not be further new content, I appreciate that you’ve supported StarCraft 2 for so long - 10 years is much longer than most companies support their games with new content.

Thank you to both the current and former members of the StarCraft 2 team!
I still consider StarCraft 2 the finest game ever made, and plan to continue playing for many years.

Are there plans to continue new mutations in Co-op? I look forward to playing the new mutation each Monday.


Hey, looks like you forgot the (take bite) line

This is their announcement that SC2 is being put into maintenance mode. Ignore the jibber jabber about how much they care. How much they care is measured in actions, not words, and this post is saying they aren’t taking any action, even with Grandmaster being the most imbalanced it has ever been in the history of the game:

Grandmaster league:

  • 44.22% Protoss.
  • 30.49% Terran.
  • 23.95% Zerg.


Masters league:

  • 33.74% Terran.
  • 32.87% Protoss.
  • 28.95% Zerg.


The entire ladder:

  • 34.62% Terran.
  • 30.9% Protoss.
  • 26.8% Zerg.



this guy is the one who suggested the bc buffs and insisted that tactical jump needed to stay and that it would lead to the bc being used in the lategame and not as a harass opener…

guess what happened? it’s not used in the lategame and is used as a harass opener… latest example I can think of was Time v Serral, where Time won using it in game 2.

Go ahead and hire him lol blizzard clearly wants to run this game into the ground so why not xD


At least consider selling exp stim (+100% base exp) and warchest exp boost (+50% overall exp) for coop mode. Literally easy money and players really love it.

He might not be correct sometimes but he have great qualities: he does listen to the other players and he cares a lot for the game as a whole, not race X or Y.