the meta cannot develop twice. Once something broken has been found, it needs to be addressed… and less players winning tournament due to sheer imbalance IS something broken.
Even if terrans can adapt and bring the winrate back to 50%, thats not balance. Balance is when the best player wins more often. Thats how far from balance we are right now. The best player wins 40% of the time…
Yes, it is extremely stupid thinking that or that thinking other race players are not good,many of the BS certified by forum experts does not apply for top players,for example, APM,multitasking and stuff like that, they say a race does not require it but when you see first person views you won’t notice a lot of difference between top players of any race, all of them are fast and multitask, but however since the top player plays the race he is automatically also worse than others.
Seriously, the amount of BS people wrote about Trap and Serral finals and if you see Traps strats most of the time he was doing multitasking builds,with several units and control groups involved,but muh APM.
Shia has always complained about Protoss. and always remain silent when a Terran wins 4-0 or 3-0es a Tier 1 Protoss in a GSL or what not. When the reverse happens his whine threshold is for his fellow Terran to lose 2-3 and he’ll start posting on how Protoss is imba. Silent when Terrans 4-0 a Protoss complains when a Terran narrowly loses and puts out 5x whine post when a Protoss 3-0 a Terran.
He current intention is to fish for Protoss nerfs by temporarily siding with Zergs to increase his TvP winrate at whatever metal league he’s stuck at and I have no reason to believe that he cares about Zerg when he complained before on how Elazer lost 2-3 to Maru as proof that Zerg is imba. He once claims he will be able to reach masters with Protoss like 3 months ago and I’ve have not heard a single word from him. I guess he’s having a hard time climbing the mmr with Protoss as well from the looks of it.
Seriously, the amount of BS people wrote about Trap and Serral finals and if you see Traps strats most of the time he was doing multitasking builds,with several units and control groups involved,but muh APM.
I mean when one race is favored the worst of the forum posters of the disadvantaged race is revealed. Its human instinct to get defensive when others call out for your BS and more times than not the one in the defensive comes up with awful excuses on why this that.
Examples was 2019 when Broodlord Infestor was ruining the game when a Zerg is smart enough to make infestors. Which everyone above Diamond 3 are and it was awful. That unit comp was completely invincible to anything that P and T had to offer. I remembered we got excuses on how BL infestor was hard to use when realistically u only needed to learn how to rapid fire the I key on the infestor and delete entire lategame worth of armies.
Right now Protoss gets a lot of hate especially from Zergs their complaint that lategame is favored is fair but I really don’t think late game P is as horrible to Z as infestor BL was to P. I’ve seen Dark/Rogue pull off late-game victories against Zest, Stats. Showtime in TSL 6 and small tournaments. Ofc Zergs will show that 1 game where Serral lost the late-game and completely ignore the Dark vs ShowTime series where Dark won convincingly in late game. It feels 70:30 for P but its not as bad as 100:0 which BL infestor was. That time I didn’t see a single Protoss win in late game for 10 months. Truly, didn’t matter who played who if Impact had 40 infestors he would convincly beat Stats and Rogue was the only one who dared to say it.
Current skytoss is really strong, old broodlord infestor was strong and oppresive and it worked against P and T,once it was done, blords pushed with no end or counter because the infestors could deal with anything. Current ZvP are long games, no side can start facerrolling with no counter, armies are constantly moving through the map denying expansions and trying to get some advantage,old blrd was just going to smash the enemy once you got the numbers,not to mention Z had the advantage at every phase of the game so getting into lategame blord was just an option in case you couldn’t win earlier.
I mean I actually think you can skip the Broodlord all together in ZvP and just go infestors and there is literally nothing and absolutely nothing that Protoss can do the infestor was an insult to every non-Zerg player out there and fully deserved the nerfs it got. Even right now I still have very strong opinions about Zerg in 2019 even though it was ages ago. I can write an entire 1000 word essay of whats wrong with 2019 Zerg and honestly the awful state of Zerg just scarred LOTV and it was definitely the worst period of balance and gameplay in the entire 10 year history of starcraft. Thank god that was gone and I can say with certainty that BL infestor will never return to ruin sc2.
Is your opinion of me this low? I truly believe protoss is incredibly imba vs zerg and should be nerfed beyond mesures. If it helps TvP be slightly less protoss favoured, all the better. The match is already unbelievably imbalanced already.
Ok guys let me solve the issue for all of you. Just regret for your zerg race and lets accept that the only zerg is OP. Yeah, protons are going a bit too high right now (as a TCF commander I see that) but the zerg is still the biggest issue. Lets finally nerf the ultralisks and after that we can solve the protons problem.