So many interesting coincidences in the player distributions

Nah, that’s why I do it. Sc2 is too easy. To make it harder, I picked the worst style from the worst race. That’s why I like it. It’s either get gm with meme builds or win a premier, you literally can’t find anything harder in the game than those two. Premier tournaments are 95% rote memorization, grinding thousands of hours of practice to get your reactions down into the <10 millisecond range in all possible game scenarios, and that sort of “hard” isn’t interesting. The hardest part of being a pro is not being bored out of your mind. I honestly don’t see any difference between it and working in a factory. 19th century selection pressure produced the “factory worker” brain that does the same process on repeat for hours, usually involving complicated hand motions to operate knitting machines or lathes and the like. SC2 pro players are the descendants of industrialization. That’s why industrialized nations are the ones to produce the best SC2 players. The people who didn’t have the ability to follow a complex process with their hands were at an extreme economic disadvantage.

I’ve got a feeling the berrycrunch BM is getting to you and that’s why you want them to nerf drone spam.

I like to mention drone spam to make fun of the attitude of pro players. Elite sc2 players have a very snobbish attitude towards the game. They view themselves as strategic geniuses in a high class society. They always have to watch the replay & analyze how they won to admire their strategic genius :face_with_monocle:. That’s why they always upload games where they beat you, but never upload games where you beat them :wink:. That’s the way they view themselves, but the reality is that they just click fast & are actually not very smart.

The drone spam trope is irritating to them because it makes that point very clear. To the people who can actually view the pro scene through an objective lens, it’s clear there really isn’t much else to high level sc2, which is why it’s such a hilariously funny trope. Even Asmongold has started making fun of SC2. You’ll never convince SC2 die hards that it’s bad, but everyone else is laughing up a storm. The mechanical requirements are such a joke that GSL players are losing 5 medivacs to a single parasitic bomb. The best players on Earth can’t even play the game anymore. Blizzard’s like “Why is SC doing so badly???”. Take off the blind fold and you’ll see the elephant in the room, eh.

The toughest protoss to beat are the ones who main terran and off race protoss. It’s true. It is crazy hard to beat a tear in Maine when they play protoss.

Alright, who had “loses a carrier to a spore crawler for no reason” on their bingo card?

We go two in one game! Amazing!


Alright, who watched hero f2 his oracles to their death vs reynor? :rofl:

Are we ready for an f2 abuser to win gsl? This man can f2! Get him a :trophy:

It is impossible to explain logic to Adventurer, believe me, many tried.

So you agree then? Smaller sample sizes are more representative than larger ones?

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It’s literally surreal watching the games go exactly as I described.

Protoss can storm dead air space, and casters will still claim the storms are good. “He damaged 3 marauders, really clutch storm, a good amount of damage.”

Nightmare has stormed space with 0 units multiple times vs ByuN. Now we are going on to a level of detachment from reality where you think that’s a “zoning storm.”

If you genuinely think that there’s such a thing as a “zoning storm”, especially after what I explained in other threads, you are not even possible to talk to, you don’t meet the requirements of just the simplest possible math and logic, so you can’t interact with another human who has the common sense to say that zoning storms aren’t a thing. The storm zones by existing, precisely not by being used. Nightmare STILL won that match.

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That’s definitely…a take?

I mean yeah, storming 3 marauders is dumb and casters hype the crap out of bad plays. It’s their job to be sensationalist.

But what’s this nonsense about zoning storms? They exist. Might not be a great idea to do it in most cases but it is something that can be used.


Nah, those are pretty terrible. Zoning with disruptors? For certain, but storm? You’re losing all your energy to not kill units. Those things take almost a minute to reload, it’s not like a disruptor man.

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okay Batz

what changes should be made then? What change could be made to fix the problem?

Almost impressive, you are not able to realize that even if a disruptor is JUST about to finish and you need to defend the position with high templar, you would wait for the bio to go in, then storm, because it will do damage. So even in the one scenario, which never occurred in that game, the “”“zoning storm”“” isn’t a thing in any way.

You are objectively wrong and that’s the only way to get upvotes on blizzard-related forums.

“Come on OF COURSE the casters are going to hype up the CLUTCH storm that damaged 3-4 marauders.”

There are lots of ways to solve this issue. Computer science has gifted mankind many algorithms for this class of problems. Pick 5 toss unit stats at random and nerf them. Nexus hp, phoenix shields, interceptor build time, forge armor, pylon sught range. The amount you nerf them is proportional to how overpowered they are. If they win 55% of games you do a 5% nerf. 60% a 10% nerf. You revisit in a month. If winrates are still too high, you nerf again. If they are to low, you repeat with buffs OR back off on some of the nerfs to counter balance. It’s an algorithm called simulated annealing.

The reason you pick at random is because we couldn’t possibly know all the possible ways protoss lose games with millions of players and 75k games played per day. Well, you could, but it requires another algorithm called markov chain modeling, and it’s what’s used to model the stock market. I am not willing to spend the time developing a model like that. Simulated annealing is simple and effective.

You can be a bit more selective by picking units that are important in PvZ, but once you have a list you still nerf at random. You can also exercise veto power by re-rolling the worst nerf, but only one. We don’t bias to enter the equation. Wuth bias in the equation, that’s how you get 47% of gm as protoss.

It’s really not that difficult. SC1 ladder trends have crept into SC2. Everyone is figuring out that Protoss is the most fun race to play, because they have a really good earlygame. Proxy Gateways and Cannons dictate the play, and take less skill than any other style (besides ling rush).

You can neuter nearly any professional player with smart rushes or fast expands as Protoss. Why try, unless you make money by entertaining (Artosis). It’s silly.

You could be angry at me for spreading this info, but I think you should be more angry about the people in charge, that refuse to fix it. At least one alleged member cannon rushes themselves, so what does that tell you?

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