Let me say it one more time. I am not telling you that you are wrong because I have some sort of agenda, I am telling you that you have a very biased and inaccurate estimate of the proportion of smurfs because its true. I specifically mentioned my background because I know what I’m talking about, whether you choose to listen to me and come up with a better argument or don’t is up to you. However, if you want people to actually listen to you then to find a much better methodology to estimate the true proportion of smurfs.
P.S. I never said that the number of smurfs was low, I mentioned my experiences because I think you and some other people have a biased view on the matter, as well as my own anecdotal experience ,which btw does a much better job at sampling as its from multiple people, regions and across the entire spectrum of leagues, but I have not and will not give an estimate as to the actual population of smurfs because as far as I know there is no good way to estimate the actual number of smurfs. So I’d really appreciate it if you stop trying to put words in my mouth.