Smurfs are ruining it for me

People 5 wins 25 losses with 300 apm at platinum rolling me. Not great. fun. Anyone with ideas how to deal with smurfs? Here’s a typical night. I get rolled, I win easily, I get rolled, I win easily, I get rolled, I win easily, I get rolled, I win easily, I get rolled, I win easily.

Blizzard learn to MMR and detect mass losses please…


I Think MMR should remain invisible for the opponent; so that you would only see your own MMR. League Borders should remain the same, unless unranked of course.

There might be a psychological factor to seeing the opponent’s MMR that affects our gameplay, making us overconfident, or underestimating ourselves.

Thus, every game I would assume my opponent is more skilled than I am, so i would always try my best.

There should be no mmr decrease beneath your current league minimum during a season.

That way smurfs would simply not be able to go to the lower leagues.

Wouldn’t that forever players in a league to waste time for minimal gain if you have somebody who blundered their way into a league on a streak of luck, and then can’t get dropped out of it? If the one players wins, they’re going to get a very low mmr amount, and if the other wins they would get a decent chunk.

There are ways to deal with them. Take a look at that thread, it has been made precisely for players in your situation. If knowing your enemy isn’t your thing, then you can skip right to part IV, in the first post. :bulb:

As for having the devs finally acknowledging the issue, I am hoping to do so by getting a clear assessment of the extent of the problem ; and updating the above thread. If you want to contribute, leave a like or share your thoughts onto it. :slightly_smiling_face:

MMR is only visible on loading screen for master 1 and above I think. As for leagues borders, they are made precisely to allow you to assess if you’re slightly favored, or slightly unfavored. Concealing those won’t solve anything as more than 50% of the smurfs do freelose in order to maintain a lower league, and so can have the same border than your, supposing they don’t just stay unranked.

Yeah, but you could get matched against players increasingly stronger that way, since your true MMR could in fact get much lower than your league’s floor. So you would damage the matchmaking for much more players than those having smurfing issues. Not the way to go, IMO.

Take a look at the above thread, there are better solutions listed in part III.

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How do you know they are all smurfs?

Just because they have high apm doesn’t mean they are smurfing or are good.

I’ve beaten quite a few people with 200-300 apm because their macro and rest of the game play was pretty bad. meaning they are focusing on spamming keys, not game fundamentals.

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APM is not an indication of anything. As someone around the M2-M1 level, I have an APM of 150-210. There are players who regularly have 300-400 APM. It means absolutely nothing. I have seen plat and low diamond players with 100 APM over me. There is a very good chance they are spamming keys to boost their APM.

Smurfing is a huge issue on the ladder, but APM is not a good indicator. I would say check their ability to macro effectively, and their ability to micro while macroing.


You’re right. But APM is a first hint. Then I look at their record 5-30 and that’s a given.


Yeah APM is not a factor, I smurf in silver - gold and I play like 100 apm, they could say that I am a legit player because APM but I am not.

That’s fair. If you look at their match history and see them leave games within the first minute, they are definitely trying to stay at a lower MMR.


APM is meaningless. You can be a master with just a mouse doing 1 base builds.

It is not smurfs i get only diamonds or gms even during day. Only like +500mmr or -500mmr… GAme is completely dead now…

I love it when obvious smurfs talk trash to you while owning you. “BUILD TURRETS NOOB!” “SCAN? SCAN? SCAN?” “HELLOOOO, YOUR SCVS ARE DYING”

Playing vs that is extremely annoying.

Just keep fighting your way through it my man. Sadly there is nothing that can be done at the moment. We have all been there and know how much it sucks. But you will get past them with patience and determination. The higher you go the less likely someone will be around to smurf you. So just keep climbing and doing your best. <3

please stop smurfing

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Not it’s not. Waiting times are < 1’ at intermediates levels, and as I’m currently surveying the silver league, I can tell you there are a number of new players (regular ones) getting their hands on the ladder. The thing is that when you get in leagues where there are less than 10% player, the matchmaking necessarily takes longer, and so they had to put more leniency to keep waiting times low. That’s not a new fact, it’s just that most of the player base is far below masters.

Those ones are annoying indeed. Irony and keeping a cool head (including glhf/gg) are good answers against that type of bored low-lifes. However, though loathsome when met, trolling isn’t exclusive to smurfs ; and even among them is rather minority.

Most of them in fact just won’t talk to you at all.

+1. Though if able to recognize them you could also go for special tactics. It’s uncertain if the devs will ever take action about this, so your best bet is indeed to learn how to deal with it. :slightly_smiling_face:

just admits to being a trash human being

And that is one of the reasons why most of them conceal the smurfing, and disable communications. :smiley:

Hey LLL (low life loser) just go back playing chinese garter u insecure shlt

Erh, guys, just because smurfs usually trashtalk doesn’t makes insults any more legit from our side. Please refrain from doing anything off chart, it doesn’t help. :neutral_face: