Smurfs are Cancer

Between 30 and 50% of the games on my mmr 3000-3200 are against Smurfs with near 300apm, Winstreaks of 10+ Games and like 20 Games overall on their Account.

Is this realy the new meta?
Is there something one can do to avoid playing against them?!

Im realy loosing the interest in this game only because of Blizzards Blind-Eye for smurfs. This sh*t shouldn’t be that hard to stop from their side.

Please at least adress this problem in some kind or form…


There is nothing new in smurfing. However since it became easier to create accounts since F2P, the phenomenon is increasing. It’s closer to 20% than to 50 at your MMR though.

  • You can’t avoid playing them at the moment, but what you can do is add your voice to the ones of the other players, in the hope that if the issue becomes visible enough, the devs might see it. Take a look at this thread, and if you think it’s important for the game, leave a sign on it.
  • Until something is done to address it, you can learn to recognize them and adapt your play accordingly (parts I and IV of said thread). :slightly_smiling_face:

Most of them are in diamond 3 and 2 I think. If you go up to diamond 1 there are almost none. But there it is the ladder itself that puts you against masters 2

Most people in Diamond league that hav 200+ apm (maybe 250+ if zerg) spam out of their mind. I always say there is a bigger perception of smurf than what it is in reality. Sure there are smurfs but it is not nearly as bad as people make it out to be. I would say in my games 1 out of 10 at the most are smurfs. The rest are around my level, or higher level players off-racing. What happens though is that 1 game tends to be so frustrating that it increases our perception of smurfing disproportionately.

In other words, no it is not smurfing that is holding you back, it is your own play. Sure it sucks to be play against a smurf, but the vast majority of games you will play against someone from your level. Finally, I do not know a single game where smurfing does not happen, it just comes with the territory of competitive multiplayer games. For example a I think there was a time in LoL when it was bannable until they just threw in the towel.

Anyways that is my take regarding smurfing, I do not think it is a big deal, it is just made out be bigger than it actually is.

At your MMR range, smurfs have definitely killed the ladder. However, I will also say APM is not the best indicator for skill (EPM tends to be much better - check replays). The winstreak and very small game count are good indicators though. I’ve seen Platinums spaz out on their keyboards and hit 300 apm, which is nearly twice my average apm at M2-M1.

Yes this is the new meta. It’s one of the big parts of SC2 culture that no one talks about. You must receive flogging from 100 smurfs before hitting D3.
There is nothing you can do to avoid them. In fact, the game’s current system highly encourages smurfing and beating on new/inexperienced players to gain a better sense of self.

I highly recommend looking into vs. AI or co-op or even the arcade. Ladder’s been trash for years, especially in the lower ranks. And let me tell you, in team games, it’s much much much much worse.

They’ve had 3 years to address it. If they didn’t address it then, they won’t address it tomorrow or the year after. I guarantee it.

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Smurfs are literally the reason I quit the game. My last game was vs a smurf who toyed with me for 20 mins in the most frustrating fashion. I lost and in a rage uninstalled the game. Haven’t reinstalled it since and not planning too.

It’s one thing if a smurf plays a standard game and beats me but smurfs often play maliciously and it’s frustrating. Anyway yeah not going back to SC2 because what’s the point. I already reached the leagues I wanted and no point playing against people who are malicious essentially.

I do agree with that. However, even despite all their toxicity, I think that’s still not worthy to renounce to ladder altogether. That’s just the part of the game where you can have the most fun. And the whole ladder just isn’t like bronze 3 regarding smurfs’ onset. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m sorry to hear that. Smurfing is becoming an issue in all the leagues below D2-D3, and the devs doesn’t seem to realize what a game ruining phenomenon this is. And it’s to avoid having players getting to the point you’ve been at that I created the thread in the first place. :neutral_face:

That being said, at first smurfing was a legit pro-gamer anonymity tool. And the “ugly” trolling smurfs, only interested in humiliating you in the most unlikely way are minority. In fact most of them are simply users who don’t have the courage to fight into their real league anymore.

a smurf will NEVER lose vs someone of 3k mmr and often their losses will be 0-10 seconds long.

Hehehe, I’m probably one of those guys, to be fair though I vs Diamonds mostly so it’s MM doing a weird when I get placed vs a high plat, unless they’re also smurfing.

I do it because I like playing short games - and unlike team games such as HotS, you can ALWAYS learn something by watching the smurf do their magic in the replay. If it wa a team game then yeah, I wouldn’t smurf because that’s unfair.

TL;DR when people like me just wreck you, watch the replays and take notes - then lose a little less hard until you stop losing period.


Freelosing to deliberately lower your MMR increases your chances of victory, regardless of the game mode. Doing it in 1v1 or not does not make it any fairer.

Now, it is true that some things might be learned upon playing a smurf, but that’s limited, even more considering the frustration/rage happens to be higher in 1v1 than in teamgames.

It take note of your motive though, hadn’t been told that one yet. :thinking:

You have strange certitudes here. Smurfing doesn’t requires to be a good player, just to keep playing below your original level. A gold could smurf in silver, and a silver in bronze. I’ve seen smurfs with 40 APM during my survey in bronze.
Some of those guys have never reached 3K MMR in the first place. :candle:

Donno what to say to you, if you’re not willing to look at your replays to see where you can improve, if you seldomly find lessons to be learned; the issue isn’t smurfs…

I didn’t say that there was nothing to learn from them, just that it’s way more limited that what most smurfs say when attempting to legitimate their behavior.

For example, let’s say that, as a gold player, you lose to a passive-defensive style protoss diamond smurf, without significant early game interactions. Your conclusion will be that you have lost because your mechanics were bad. Which you already knew since you were a gold player. What you have learned by playing that smurf is zero.
Same if he trolls you with nonsensical strategies (Crank once beat a platinum player with a 12 nexus mass probes…).

That doesn’t apply if the smurf player plays a meta build the way it’s meant to be done around diamond-masters though, because you will learn on early game interactions that will reveal holes in your opener. But that’s limited.

In your example, the lesson is to scout and be aggressive to prevent the defensive, macro style - each game vs that style should reinforce those key lessons.

Every example you can name is like this, there is a lot you can learn by watching the people who smurf because generally; they are good at something and exploit it. Be it micro, macro, transitions, etc.

Which you can’t do if he has more army than you in the first place. Which is extremely likely when there is a macro-gap like this. Since you’re in the smurf position you may not realize it, but meeting certain macro requirements is necessary to attempt timings in the first place.

Watching the replay will indeed inform you if you did scouting or tactical mistakes. But you don’t acquire mechanics by watching replays ; and simply knowing your league already informs you of the weaknesses of your macro.

What would you say to the platinum who lost to Crank’s mass probes ? Maybe he was terran, and had his buildings repeatedly canceled by some superior probe micro. Aside of realizing that he faced a spamless 300 APM GM dude, what the hell would he learn about transitions over a game like that ?

I won’t give names, but I’ve seen the smurfs of master level users of this forum in bronze 3. What where they doing in bronze 3, a charity coaching session ? What is a bronze player, who doesn’t even know the units, going to learn in being crushed in 3 minutes by a master ? Tell it to us, Dank.

Truth be told, some players, provided they keep a cool mindset and good analysis skills will learn some things upon being confronted to well executed higher leagues metagame. The others will just rage, and we’ve go one example above who allegedly quit the game because of it, and the OP is considering it. So if you think the benefit of your smurfing is even remotely comparable to a friendly coaching session, you’re not only lying to the ladder, but also to yourself.

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so? i can win every game up to platinum with 40 apm.

You’re the only one entitled to this claim. Good luck if you pick zerg or terran bio.

As for the one I’m thinking at, his workers production and army values were really really bad, so no, he wasn’t smurfing from more than one league above the bronze one I found him into.

You know, I have seen hundreds of smurfs profiles, possibly more than a thousand. And I can tell you that some of the ones I saw in silver or bronze, possibly were only one tier or two above the one they were smurfing in. And would be crushed by being matched with a regular, honest 3K player.

So being a good player isn’t a requisite to be a smurf. All it takes to be a smurf is to hit F10+c on a keyboard in the first seconds of a game. If that’s your definition of skill, then you’ve been smurfing for too long. :roll_eyes:

i play terran bio every game

one action every 2 seconds? yeah i can get diamond ezpz

It’s a problem in D1 and master 3 as well.

I do play terran bio without spamming at P1-D3, and I can tell my 100-110 APM aren’t enough to macro correctly while playing the style actively (which you need vs P/Z). Now lesser APM might be enough if you proxy 5 rax every game, but 40 APM to play bio as it’s intended doesn’t sounds convincing to me. Nor have I ever seen a diamond or platinum bio player with 40 APM either.
So I am not convinced, but we’re free to think differently. :slightly_smiling_face:

Possibly. Due to the time consuming nature of the task and the apparent lack of support (though the topic is very viewed, and continues being so), I stopped my investigations with platinum, so I don’t know what’s the reality of it in the upper leagues. I’ve been told by some (such as Nordy), that there was a drop in frequency starting with D1, but those were only a player’s impressions. :thinking: