[SC2] All The Interface Suggestions

I have done that, no worries.


stop bumping this thread p[lz

Sorry man, that’s never gonna happen.
In case if you continue to dispute, you’re actually will help us, so it’s pointless to write back, just ignore it.


you want to know a good interface suggestion? the remove from lobby/party button is right next to the promote to host, so a troll can continuously rejoin the lobby and eventually get host.

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Well, this is a nice remark, perhaps it’s better to add “ban” button, so troll won’t come back.
I’m just saying that we reached the point of no return, so many effort have invested here just to give up. I hope you understand that.


I actually don’t understand this logic either, it’s like why not? Of course we’ve got an additional color palette in options, but the thing is that you cannot pick up the color in custom games is pretty annoying too.


Just to clearify it a little bit, i was talking about Allied color mode, activated by button near minimap or default ALT+F hotkey. It can be customized in options. But it sets one single color for all Hostiles no matter what race that hostile is. My suggestion to make color of hostiles to be race-dependable rather than one color for all. Means opponents, depending on race they play, will have unique color with Allied Color Mode (Alt+F ) active. But thats only for your own view.

If this will be added, combined together with Opponent’s skin Selection i’ve described above, it will be most unique RTS experience Starcraft could ever bring for Ladder games.

In story campaigns all Factions represented by their unique color. Skin sets we have right now are in fact Faction skins. Players could choose combinations of skin sets and color for opponents, like:
Taldarim skins with Red color.
Special Forces with Black Color.
Mira’s Marauders with Pink color ( that would be my personal favorite for Terrans, because Mira is awesome :wink: ).
Purifiers with Orange colors.

But no matter what, i would set Red to be color of my opponents who plays Random. Because Amon likes Red color on all races :slight_smile:


But what will happen in team games for example? Okay if you got 3 enemies and each represents the different fractions, and what about allies? I think instead of making completely different colors for each race like “Protoss goes for the yellow”, “Zerg goes for the red” and “Terran goes for the orange”, maybe it’s necessary to add the tones for colors? Like bright red, medium red, dark red and so on.

  • Allied color mode right now makes all your opponents into one single color. It also will be more pleasant to see different colors with Allied color mode in 2x2(+) games. Even if it will be race-dependable on opponents.
  • To properly see your opponents on minimap i did suggest seperate Hostile Minimap Color. No matter what color your opponents will have in Allied color mode, they still will be Red, for example, on Minimap
  • Allied color mode always can be turned off during the match to reveal colors chosen from lobby. Single click on minimap button will do the change. Ally-Hostile-Player color mode is your personal customization, no one else see it.
  • No-one said that same color for all hostile races can be choosen, but in independent pop-up bars. After all we are right now able to choose same color for Ally and Hostile and for ourselfs ( that could be fun btw :slight_smile: ). Only ‘Default’ colors are unique and present only in respective select pop-up.
  • I did not say anything about Allies’ color, i said that opponent’s ( actual players, non-ai ) colors should be seperated from single color for all races into four, unique per race + seperate choice for AI opponents. It should not effect Ally color no matter what race they have.

As far as i can see, unique per-race colors for Allies won’t be bad. And unique skins selection for Allies aswell. We have about 16 colors in selection pop-up, sadly only 4 can be selected and be present.


Okay, I got your idea, but it has an incredibly vast explanation. In order to add your idea to my post, it would be great if you could find a way to reduce that description.
Anyway, I have already added your first message, and if you find that clause accomplished, then it’s okay.


i like dat idea with colours btw
at least something new in the game


I can do better. This art work says everything for itself.



Oh, thanks, that’s more than enough. Added.


You forgot to add the clause Peekachi proposed actually.


Yeah, well, almost forgot about that.


Do you think that there can be anything else to add? Looks like we’ve already have a huge lot of suggestions :sweat_smile:


My list (made it quite a while ago) :

  1. Make “select all production button”;

  2. Make “select all upgrade making buildings button”;

  3. When multiple units are selected, make it possible to use abilities of all of selected units. E.g. if I have HT and Sentry in one control group, I should be able to cast storm, force field, guardian shield, feedback etc. without cycling through control group by tab.
    I’m sure I’ve seen such feature in co-op.;

  4. Make “Space” camera control button customizable on which alert it will react. Currently it will focus on any alert, thus it is completely useless since there are too many incoming alerts;

  5. Make all rallied units walk in A-Click mode. As if unit was a-clicked into position where it is rallied. Better yet, make it possible to rally units in both modes - current one and a-click one;

  6. Make “select all idle workers” button; (just like you can do now with Ctrl+F1)

  7. For heaven sake remove or make it possible to turn of clickable alerts on bottom right of the screen (alerts that move your camera to where alert happened);

  8. Make option to see what is currently being produced just like in replay. Same with workers killed / lost count.

  9. Make supply number yellow when less than 8 free supply. Sound alert will also be nice.

  10. Save camera hotkeys per map, so that you don’t have to re-set camera hotkeys every game.

  11. Make select all CC/Nexuses button (don’t need this for Hatchery because they don’t produce drones, point 1 covers Zerg drone production already).

I know Blizzard will never do any of this because they are lazy a$$es.


That’s what is the difference between casual players and pros, they do it automatically, they bind structures and units.
Same here:

Save camera hotkeys per map, so that you don’t have to re-set camera hotkeys every game

First of all, you can’t really know where exactly you’ll be spawned, and then quickly adjust location bindings so that’ll suit you. It requires a whole neural network honestly speaking, because I am sort of a coder, and I don’t understand how many “ifs/elses” you must write.
So, about there 3 clauses I am sure you better forget about it, not because Blizzard is lazy, just because it’s unnecessary and skill-dependent actions.

I’m not quite sure I understand. Despite of I play zerg, or other factions, I always bind main bases in the group, so I will press “1” for example, then “S” for workers, and then “(X)” for any unit I wish to order. Same for Protoss and Terran - I bind them all, and not only me.

This one is nice, pretty sure I add it.

Uhm, those information bars are actually to make Observers better understand when and what upgrades were made, and how many units you lost. As a player, well, pros knows everything because of timings, they nearly “feel” when upgrades are about to be done, and what about units’ lost count, well, feel free to put cursor on your limit indicator.

Omg, come on, why? I understand if there won’t be absolutely any alternative to pick up all workers, then why do you need a separate button?

Agreed, space bar is the stupidest thing ever. I made Spacebar switch my camera between the main bases.

Simplification? Yeah it’s doable, but some things make StarCraft 2 - StarCraft 2, it’s the difficulty. So, in order to become more skillful, become a fluent player with control groups. Just keep in mind, that others experience the same problem, but they are finding the way to handle that.


I think he means:
If sentry has hotkey for example, ‘Q’ and ‘E’ for forcefield and guardian shield and key ‘R’ for nothing, and HIght Templar has ‘R’ for storm, Using ‘R’ hotkey will make HT cast storm, despite the fact that Sentry and it’s hotkeys are in top priority in Unit Group. That actually good idea if all ability hotkeys for all units are different, there will be no conflicts (Just like Warhammer 40k Dawn of War).

Alternative to that if Blizzard will actually add custom priority list for units.


Well yeah, I absolutely understand that idea, I was just talking about the difference between “Simplification” and “Comfortability”, you know. Professionals spent a lot of time to acquire necessary reflexes in order to be themselves and dominate, but if Blizzard adds this possibility in-game, you’ll simplify the whole process for everyone. Just imagine if you get used to something, and suddenly you must change that because there’s the simplest way of doing the same.
I am not against simplification, but it’s crucial to understand why StarCraft is the StarCraft game. So you actually need to get used to controlling the groups on your keyboard, not just adding all special abilities - this will increase the F2 button abusing. I understand if there were no way players could switch between different casters as fast as you can, but you’ve got a Tab key and control groups.
So, if Blizzard adds that, players’ skill arrangement will be smashed, because low-skill players would become the same effective players as professionals. That’s what I am talking about - acquire reflexes and L2P, practice, and more practice, and eventually, you’ll stop thinking about this issue. I am not a professional either, but even for me, it looks strange.