Got it, well let’s hope you’ll get in here when the party would start.
Hey, what do you think about co-op, do you play it much?
Yeah I play it a lot, why do you ask?
Here is what we also need in this game is - Games counter per day. It can be divided on matchups, for example - ZvP - 0:4, ZvZ - 5-2 etc., and will have the whole day summary of the games.
But there’s a history of matches, or you are talking about a more convenient way of knowing how many games played?
Let’s say I’d like to skip in-game little cutscenes for first.
Second - there’s a mutation called “polarity”, and it goes for lack of possibility to destroy some certain enemy units. The problem is - my units are still shooting on them, that causes lags.
And third, I’d like to see the exact HP not just by pressing “Mastery” button, but perhaps to see it on loading screen too.
Yep. But if you play more then 10 games it’s a little bit annoying to count them by hand. A games counter would be a simple way to show the statistic
Hmm, well, I think I could write this up, thanks for idea.
i dont know why but i remembered my dad was installing a program to count how much time me and my bro spent using pc lol
So, co-op and total games played we need to add in the first post. Got it.
Skipping cutscenes is also important since they was bringing fun only at start of co-op, but now I watched them so much that they nearly annoy me.
You know, there are actually a lot of little things that should have been done by Blizzard, but I am not sure they will do something else, because did you hear the news? They won’t do any changes anymore, except for balance changes, maybe, but not our “interface suggestion” - let’s hope I am wrong.
It only regards purchasable product, not something like ours. We must just maintain high positions and that’s it.
This is actually a big pity to know that there is no any good RTS left, at least, something similar to SC2 - it’s like the unique product.
Lack of ideas, probably, I can only mention the game called “Grey Goo” - it has pretty irregular mechanics and a lot of unique ideas, but still no one plays it anymore. Don’t know why, but perhaps because it’s not that dynamic.
oh yeah i played grey goo pretty fun game actually, but boring tho
There are a lot of people in the DoW:SS actually, but there’s a completely unfriendly hotkey map assignment. So, literally, in SC2 you are using the in-game interface to assign hotkeys, in that game - not quite, you need to open .txt document and find each fraction and each unit and rewrite the code in order to fit your wish.
Oh lol, it’s still alive? I remember I played it in 2004-2005 (those days I wasn’t care about hotkeys actually :D)
Why not? There’s even a lot of players in OpenRA - it’s like a remasters of original C&C games.
Actually, what do you think about current C&C1 remaster? I don’t actually like it.