Raynor is so fun

I disagree with you on pretty much everything you wrote… but since the response has become pages long, and this is a topic about raynor and not karax i have decided to let it go.

But honestly… did you forget that nikara exists?

You’re going to bash karax, then say nikara exists as an outlaw? Nikara can’t kill things, therefore she’s as strong/useless as Karax. Both can heal, both provide sustainability to allies and self, both increase dps. If you’re going to argue Karax is inferior, you’re arguing nikara is just as (if not more) inferior.

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What kind nonsense logic is that?

Karax sux. That is my opinion. Period. Nikara has the highest single target healing in the game. Period.

So when comparing karax vs tychus in the ability to heal your and your allies units, then of course i am considering nikara for tychus.

Or am i not allowed to do that? Like nikara does not exist… that what you want to say?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
i always refill them and dont use them for fights. I usually build 10-20 of them (depending on comp) and spawncamp the enemy by placing and rebuilding mines within free apm time

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They are always amazing in Oblivion Express.

Zhadoom, I want to advice you. Please don’t take it too grimly

The way you straight up disagree with people’s opinion isn’t a good thing entirely. Honesty is good but respecting other people needs to be mutual to it.

The better method is to recognise the good and bad about what other people’s opinions and then you should show your opinion.
Speaking your opinion in a way that reinforces your correctness doesn’t make it palatable in discussions or arguments.
It is also very important to consider the good and bad of your own opinions and recognise them as well when you discuss them.

btw you need to reword some of the words to softer tones.

I agree with you in this aspect, Karax has much better performance in Tower building than unit making and relies very heavily on SOA abilities (perhaps too heavily). His other units are hard and slow to enmass (without discount mastery) without sentinels backups (which is amazing).
Weakness is one thing but when it becomes too overbearing to the gameplays it is appropriate to add remedies.

That is why I like Unit Buffs in Maguro Maps, The units are still expensive but they are very much the worth the resources and time you pour in (their increased abilities are truly exceptional).

As for Raynor, he is Ok, his potential has the most potential fluctuations, he can both be the weakest and the strongest.
Lots of Risks with little health his units have but they have lots of very useful abilities as Returns.
The key to his gameplay is mitigate the Risk as much as possible and take advantage of the Return as much as possible

You sound like a mariage councellor… but since i haven’t slept, i am willing to accept the critique.

if SC2 coop is our wife, we soon all need a marriage councellor.

I mean, she havent talked to us for almost half a year now. And theres nothing erotic left neither.


Strange example, but thanks. There are lot of people who gives unforgiving criticisms, respecting both sides and reflecting on the right, wrong, good and bad about your opinions helps to mitigate them somewhat. Hope my advice helps

There is a massive maintenance on every Blizzard Games including Starcraft 2 in Europe and Asia.
The US server is unclear as some claims they already went through maintenance and others claim they will have it soon. We’ll find out soon enough.

Nevermind… it was just a maintenance

For what it’s worth, I basically agree with you. Karax isn’t weak in the sense that he can’t complete levels or something, but there has to be a weakest commander and there’s a decent argument it’s him. IMO, it’s Karax or Kerrigan.

Kerrigan is fine in terms of Ground forces and Versatility.

In my opinion she still has some untapped potentials but she is powerful regardless and definitely more used than Karax. (Although I am disappointed how most Kerrigan Players don’t know about Assimilation Aura)

Her Torrasques are the best Tankers in the Co-op. You need to make them to protect your ground forces.
Her ground forces protected by Torrasques become so durable, that you will find your resources filled to the brim at the end of the mission.
Unfortunately I can’t say the same about her air units. Not even Omega worms serve as decent distractions for her Mutalisks.

Don’t worry about it.
Kerrigan Torrasque have Revival, Burrow Charge (Stuns), Tissue assimilations and tough as nails (Also cost efficient). I would understand if Reaver Protoss and Mech Terrans give you trouble but against other compositions. I’m sorry too but I am finding that hard to believe.
Maybe give her and Torassques another chance and play her out one more time?

She’s certainly playable. Even fun on the occasion. Her army is made of tissue paper though. That’s my problem with her. And her econ can’t handle constant rebuilds like Raynor can. Again, not weak, but numerically someone has to be the weakest and I think she’s distinctly on the low end of the scale.

I stopped bothering with her ultras because they last all of 8 seconds and they still cost quite a lot, especially gas. Melee units make bad tanks. I know you said you don’t like it when people say it but I flatly disagree with you.

Raynors, how do you deal with Protoss disruptor/reaver combos? I use battlecruiser yamato cannons, but is there a better option? In the past, I massed marauders, but replacing them became incredibly expensive and sending them to their deaths was possibly unethical. Same goes for raining marines

Mass banshee or mass tank with some marines and medics near them.

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I like going Marine/Medic, and transition to Battlecruisers as the game goes on. If out of gas for BCs I’ll top up my supply with Marines.

As mentioned, Banshee or Tank works well too. Though watch out for storms with the Banshees.

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:musical_note: It’s raining man… hallelujah!

:call_me_hand: It’s raining, man…

It’s raining men…

It’s Raynor. So chill game.

I didn’t forget Tychus has Nikara. However, she’s seldom picked for the same reason that people would rather have RS’ attack adding to the group’s DPS (some will say RS is trash, and you can just pick another more powerful Outlaw and rely even on the nerfed Medivac healing for your sole healing needs, but I guess that’ll have to be for another thread). Even when somebody does pick her, you still need to follow her around to get healed (which is something a Tychus player doesn’t really do… stay in one spot for too long). With a Tychus ally, half the time, I’m better off just arranging my own healing/repairing, or just accepting I’ll be having less of it.

You’re allowed to say Karax sucks. But I’m also allowed to say I really enjoy Karax. He’s truly unique. Even though I can pick someone like Artanis and spam Goons to great effect, I continue to return to Karax.

He may not rack up kills, but I’ve asked around, and his passives (e.g. Chrono Field, Recon Beam) and more active support stuff (e.g. Energizers, Chrono Wave) have been appreciated by some allies. Some examples include but not limited to buiding Nova’s units being on cd is less of an issue. Workers create noticeably faster across the board.

I never tried her Ultras, but I thought being able to revive (on a low cd IIRC) and having Burrow + mucho hp does make them last longer than that? I guess you need a decent # of them and/or support, like ranged attacks?

60 second cooldown. Tied with the shortest of all the revives/death preventions in coop. (Other is dehaka muta, and excluding swann immo)

I do have to agree that Kerrigan and her army can struggle against large armies if she doesn’t have immo wave (which is decently often, to be fair). You fight shadowtech as zagara or Karax or Alarak and you don’t really mind, but kerrigan can really get hammered.

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Kerrigan is in the top of the strongest commanders (abathur is not strong, he is op and should be fixed), I personally don’t think she needs a nerf, but some of my co-op partners expressed opinion that kerrigan is very crazy commander in terms of power, and what she can do is ridiculous. And believe me, it’s not because kerrigan is weak commander.