Protoss needs a major buff for grandmaster level players

Look, skytoss needs a major buff. Now i know all my fellow silver league will get upset, but we need a change that wouldnt really affect the lower end players, but something, like a high micro ability to at least deal a decent amount of damage, to make up for the fact skytoss gets messed up within seconds after poor micro. In my opinion, maybe like a mix of an anti armour missles, and also a yamato cannon mix would be nice. Feel free to share your opinions

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Increase tempest damage to 55 per shot vs all targets (currently 40 vs ground, 30 vs non massive air).
Decrease interceptor build time to 7 seconds (currently 9 seconds).
Void rays get +1 armor (currently they have zero armor. Even sentries start with +1 armor for gosh sakes) and cost decreased to 225/100.

Skytoss fixed with these changes.


They really should be more like 60% of GM, not 40.


This is a suggestion I made - allow Carriers to forcibly recall their interceptors and have them be fully repaired when they return to their hangars.

The topic and extension mod in question focuses more on a buff to Microbial Shroud, but see how the Carrier buff fares for you if you want to test it out:

Skytoss needs more microability, not a buff. If anything the 1-a should be weaker, as it’s still very potent in anything under pro play, but pros should get some reward for having much higher skill. As it stands skytoss+storm is the easiest lategame composition to control in the game by a wide margin. Make it harder to control but more powerful when controlled well.

It’s kind of what I hope for with my extension mod suggestion above. Microability in the form of recalling interceptors - do it at the right time and you save them from death and hence save minerals - do it at the wrong time and you lose a lot of DPS for a few seconds.

i would not agree with you, for me it makes no sense to increase tempest damage, because it already has huge overkill, i would rather like to see the increased attack speed, what would make them better at fighting mass liberators, carriers and focus bcs faster = give it more rewarding micro potential. i would not give 1 armor to the voidray, it changes nothing, i would like to see the voidray being able to stay at the same movement speed, while the ability is turned on, you can even limit it to the speed before the upgrade, so 3.5 max speed with ability. Because right now corruptors will immideately fly away, when you turn that on and return, when it goes off.

pure bc beats this, and all you have to do is click on the units you don’t want them to have

seriously, stalkers are a better counter

Stalker best while bc count like 2-3 not 10+ what means late game stage

My point wasn’t about the exact composition, it’s about how little potential Protoss lategame units have for micro. If the micro capabilities of things like Carriers, Tempests and Void Rays were increased, we’d probably see better results for Protoss, especially when you’ve got someone like Stats or Trap controlling them.

For example, lategame ZvP, it’s all on the Zerg to make the mistakes, their lategame army has more micro potential, and thus sees better use by stronger players. You can differentiate Serral from say… Lambo in that stage of the game due to how ridiculous his control is. As it stands, Stats’ lategame Toss army control looks much like any other high level Protoss, even if he’s a significantly better player.

i would rather see buffs to non-stargate units, late-game robo should be encouraged more :^)

At least disruptor buffs would be nice

Stargate is by far the lowest utilized building in 1v1 for Protoss. If that’s not an indication of where to buff, assuming a buff is needed, I don’t know what is.

And seriously, stop thinking about Carriers because those rarely exist outside of low level team games. Higher level team games usually end in fast 1-2 base pushes or Phoenix wars; games rarely transition into more than a few Carriers.