Protoss is absolutely disgusting

For real, how is Protoss ever supposed to lose against Terran and zerg. Zoon vs Armani was so sad to watch. Literally nothing Armani could have done. Protoss is destroying the game. Turtle into skytoss into a-move is literally skillless and is the best strategy in the game.
Im done arguing with the PPP clowns :clown_face: , just bury them I evidence that toss is op, they will give out eventually.


So what about Dream vs DRG? It looks the same. No Zerg in the round of 8…maybe and only maybe, the problem right now is not toss, but zerg…or the hardcore nerfs over the last two years for zergs to a point, where only serral and rogue are able to play the race?

There will be 6 Protoss in Ro8… pretty sure toss is the problem…


Dont we forget reynor? I mean Sure serral is more consistent but reynor has won more Premiers lately.

You mean like Terran was the Problem at dh Last Chance with 5/8 in ro8?

Also this has been discussed like 1 Million Times by now and anyone with a decent understanding of sc2 will know it:

Gsl st is pretty Good for toss in whole history of sc2 just because its so freaking fast. No time to actually prepare for the matchups or players. As protoss is the Book of bs race they will perform well when You dont know what they are up to. In supertournament Format that pays off.



And it seems gsl is really good for terrans since they seem to benefit alot from long prep times despite doing worse outside of gsl at the same time historically.

It might just be how the races core designs make them benefit different from preperations so it could be something to this.


KR is super cheesy, if you look at average length of GM games in KR server they are at 9:44,compared to 11:48 EU, 10:50 NA and 11:40 CN.

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You know what else is disgusting? A platinum Terran claiming he can easily reach master rank with Protoss only to find himself at best slightly above his Terran mmr

you gonna stop bringing that up? I’ve played 20 games with toss and already im higher MMR than my terran after 6k games. If thats not proof that toss is op, i dont know what is.

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Getting master is the proof.


I have a higher MMR as well. I am sure we both could get masters if we stopped playing terran and only toss for a while. Just to get the timings down. toss is just broken.


Go play protoss till GM ok? If it easy go do

If your platinum terran i can guarantee you that ballance is not holding you back.
You can reach diamond as terran simply by hitting basic build order timings and winning of your 1. push or the followup no need for fancy multi tasking, no need for gm level splits and no imballance is gonna stop you.


No I’m not going to stop bringing that up until you follow through with your word or stop whining altogether. I believe according to rankedftw, you have about the same mmrs for both races. Now I have a question for you. Are you just cheesing with Protoss or are you playing genuine macro games? When you play Terran, do you just give up at the 0 second mark when you see Protoss or have you ever thought once to try and play properly and win? What are your winrates for both races? The way I see it, you are just a low ranked whiner with 0 brain cells. At least the other whiners try to think a little and have decent ranks. You have absolutely nothing to show or base your whining off of.


Tastetosis saying that Cure vs SOS was the worst he ever played. Just an example of how broken the matchup is that they are openly saying its the worst theyve ever seen someone play and of course it was a TvP match.

The matchup is the biggest joke I have ever seen. They can defend and macro up for free and are never in danger ever. Protoss players continue to deny this but its even being displayed at the highest level of play.

Wake the hell up.


Tbh it’s not just at pro level where the is an issue Toss has the best attack and defence and because of the econ they can switch between either on the fly. If sorting the econ out and going back to 6w start can’t be done then I’m sorry to say that GW units have to be made less tanky as the econ is out of control.

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Let me see, a drunken noob hops on a Car (Terran Race) and drives it into a ditch (plays like Master against a veteran player 10 times better than him), and the fault is of the …car?
Do you see the enormity of your post?

Can you try speaking english?

Cure deserved all the drubbing SoS managed to administer. It’s nothing to do with the race but with the player.

When drub was first used in English, it referred to a method of punishment that involved beating the soles of a culprit’s feet with a stick or cudgel. The term was apparently brought to England in the 17th century by travelers who reported observing the punitive practice in Asia. Etymologists are uncertain of the ultimate origin of drub, but some have speculated that it may have evolved from the Arabic word daraba, meaning “to beat.”