Proposition change to microbial shroud

We all know that microbial shroud is underused because it has a big flaw: units under it must be sit there.So why not changing it into something that can be used?.
I was thinking about makint the spell something active, you activate it and the infestor spread the cloud around him, you move the infestor, the cloud moves with him,something like an aura.Changing the spell into something like that would help zerg since they can move away from storms, or disruptor shots, the point of the spell is helping zerg from air, not making zerg staying on the same spot only to be destroyed by things that are not air units.
Could be balanced around radius, energy cost, or even making it like oracle beam/banshee inv/ghost cloack energy usage, you activate it, and the energy starts decreasing every second.

Thoughts about this?would be too imba?.

I dont think there’s a way you can make microbial shroud imba. I have never seen it used and would probably think someone’s hacking if I saw it used on ladder. I barely even know what it looks like.

That seems like a reasonable buff and would help in theory. Whether zergs would use it or not idk, its still an underwhelming spell.

cast it on ultralisk, so it becomes an aura attached to your ultra

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I think the problem with it being attached to the Infestor is that it would put the unit into harm’s way, which you really don’t want to do due to how fragile it is. I made a suggestion a while ago to effectively turn it into Dark Swarm (back when you still had to research it):

That aside though, I do like the idea of being able to cast it on a ground unit and attaching to it akin to Parasitic Bomb, so that if the unit dies, the shroud still lingers until it expires.

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Dark swarm style would be too OP by a lot. But microbial shroud as it is but attaching to a ground unit with an aura effect, which lingers in place if that unit dies, sounds awesome.

Raven had its spells reworked dozens of times and now it pins so many Terran things together through the game while being balanced(the lockdown energy-duration change being the last perfect step)- I really want the same to be said about all spellcasters.


Sometimes it is about throwing things at the well to see what sticks, and it may take a while, but eventually something works wonders. The Dark Swarm style Microbial Shroud might be too powerful, but wanted to try something to see what would happen.

Personally, I think the ‘aura’ effect sounds far better.

That’s a bad example: Raven is the worst spellcaster in the game right now


I think a bigger issue with Microbial Shroud is that I can’t tell what the point of the spell is.

Obviously if you just read the tooltip it is to improve defense against air attacks, and assuming you’re not just eating shots, you will need something that can fire back (aka, Hydras)

So why make Hydras and Infesters when you can just make Corruptors? The stuff you are trying to counter with MS is Massive Air (or to be very specific, Carriers).

Ignoring the lack of effectiveness of the spell and vulnerability to spells, it just doesn’t really tie in well with how the game is played.

No, it can do an effective harass, can defend positions, can deny mechanical and psy units, can reveal units and can give -2 armor.

When was the last time anybody build Raven outside of 1-3 Ravens per entire game in TvT? (okay 1 Raven is build in TvP when DT opener is scouted but that’s it).
Its PoS unit.

I don’t really think Raven is that good outside of TvT. The unit isn’t bad in a vaccuum but isn’t good enough to tie up Starport to a tech lab. But it’s probably too good if you can build it out of a Reactor, so it’s in a really awkward place.

We’ve very occasionally see one being built for Turrets vs Z, and mostly for DT detection or for Matrix in an early anti-Colossus push, but outside of these situations i’ve never seen a Raven built vs Z or P.

Is it castable burrowed? :sweat_smile: Since they removed Infested Terran I never made one Derpfestor

Problem with Raven was very simple. Its a Flyer Caster with agressive spell. Turret or Seeker made him almost invincible, while he fly away


Maybe if they make the units drag the effect after leaving the area, It would be more useful.

I’m not very good with Zerg but I try to play it occasionally. I tend to build a couple in response to bio in ZvT, since landing a Fungal Growth on a group of marines is absolutely devastating.

I think the idea with Microbial Shroud is so it doesn’t force you to go Spire or otherwise invest in its tech, since the Infestation Pit unlocks the Hive and, eventually, Vipers. It might allow for more options with tech switching, since if the opponent switches to a heavy ground army instead, you can turn some of your Hydralisks into Lurkers, perhaps.

As for what happens in practice…

It’s not easy to always “just go corrupter”. Hydra are more multi-purpose than corruptor, but are fragile. Infestors can also neural large air units or prevent their escape and synergize further with hydra with fungal. I’m not convinced if shroud is the BEST idea for a spell but there is a clear potential synergy in its use.

Very wrong.

In TvP is really good, check both games, raven was an important addition to the composition.

Against Z, it helps with the missile I guess, but overall not very important on the matchup.

One Raven in TvZ is rarely killed and add a lot of saved scans, turret can always support but mostly their ability to make liberators and BCs shred anything in the sky and even bio killing ultra

You know how +2 libs can power through stalker? AAM has the same effect, disable on immortal, colossus, archon can turn a fight at any stage of the game and P needs massive AOE to beat AAM bio stim. At a one time cost of one raven and then a little bit of micro.

Very robust spellcaster

:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
After the Ghost that…“is very difficult to micro”.

Just like the people that refuse to use them.

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I dunno. Raven is always seen in TvT and mostl of the time in TvP. Most shytty spellcaster is definitely Infestor right now. Second is Sentry and third can be Raven or vice versa.