Portraits are back (for some)

Okay, so I’ll resist the urge to consider the issue completely fixed in my thread. I’ll propose you to test the workaround we had found prior to the 22th of October there.

I am absolutely seeing the glass half full there. That might be due to a possible role I played into the fixing, since I delimited quite precisely the bugs in one thread in order to have those fixed quicker, and got to discuss about it with some members of the support team. So yeah, I’m happy to see it finally fixed for most people ; and I want to thank them for hearing me out. :slight_smile:

Okay, so I’ll resist the urge to consider the issue completely fixed in my thread. I’ll propose you to test the workaround we had found prior to the 22th of October there.

I wouldn’t say I’m new but I’m not among the oldest ones, since I picked the game during HotS and became active on the official forums some months before LotV. Yet if you’ve seen those bugs a lot, I can understand how you feel.

About the deadgame part however, I’ll be a bit lazy and allow myself to quote the words I said to Nathanias around the 15th of October.

You know, no later than yesterday, I watched Clem stream. Half the top FR scene was in the chat with us, soon joined by a good amount of top EU terrans. It was the first time I had a top world level SC2 stream in my language, done by a 18 years old progamer with so much potential. And this reminded me what you just said : SC2 community is still alive and evolving. And so if a game’s community is alive, so is the game. BW showed us that much.

Anyway, there’s no problem about everyone having his own opinion, honey. :wink:

I’m not that conformist towards this. I’ve been reporting many bugs so I did contribute to the fixing too and had to wait a lot to see some results, so I keep thinking the same about their role and this dead game. Nothing to thank.

My portrait came back for a few weeks than disappeared again… rip

I think i will keep this generic portrait. On the Internet, no one knows you are a bot.

You know what, now I want that SCII image for my ingame portrait, would not that be a great fix :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

Test test test test test

Edit: Didn’t work.

My really ancient Spectre portrait is back yay.

So it was like I thought: I didn’t have a portrait because I played on Europe.
Tried to start a game in “Americas” just now, and set a portrait, and it appear.
Though I don’t think I will try playing on that server just to unlock a better portrait…not sure I should keep that one either, it look crazier than expected.

Nice to see I got my Swann’s avatar back here with just log-out / log-in (and without relogging issues).
Still, it’s strange some aren’t fixed, but as @Trias pointed out, there’s maybe a workaround that could do the trick. Otherwise, let’s hope the tech team just didn’t finished yet to fix the stalled avatar bug for all…

Took long enough to get my portrait back… yay.

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Huzzah! My portrait returned! No more generic SCII, although it kinda grew on me. :stuck_out_tongue:


My Raynor portrait looks better than yours Rick.


Hello there my ling.

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Let not us Friends of Raynor quarrel over differences in our displays of devotion. Rather we must be coming together over our shared beliefs, we must stand together against the forces that believe him weak and not fun.

much /s was used in the creation of this post.

I was an ugly baneling for a while, amused at why it chose that picture for me.

Yes I agree.

I have been thinking about leaving Raynor for Swann. Raynor doesn’t care about his marines and always letting them die. On the other hand, Swann buffs up all his units with HP boost at lvl 15 for all prestiges. Raynor only does it for P1. Please don’t tell Raynor, this might hurt him.

Swann was merely another of the Friends, having attempted to establish his own Good Men. One could be forgiven for falling to the sway of Greese and Gears.

I must attempt to correct your path however, the men of Greese have mislead you. For Raynor has attempted to keep the Good Men alive far sooner, though his may be transient it will become much stronger. armour upgrades at lvl 10

Good point. However, Swann also provides Immortal Protocol at lvl 11, reviving units at locations.

The Chief of Engineer is highly underestimated by most by his unappreciative peers and those who control him. He had proven himself to be very resourceful and I for one cheer on this underdog.

Looks to see if Swann Portraits are available

And lo was another of the Good Men lost to the lures of socialistic gas sharing practices and the promise of immortality to the favoured few. I shall grieve, but am still assured in the knowledge that while one may leave Rayor, Raynor will always stay with you.