Opinion on SC2 vs AoE4

I came here to SC2 forums to see your opinion with AoE4. SC2 is an old game and there’s no new stuffs out of it. AoE4 is a new game. It’s refreshing to see new games although I know SC2 is still a very good game up to now.


I have just beaten D2R. And resting from Mythic+ burn outs from Shadowlands. Looks like I would play AoE4. I had moments in SC2… reached Platinum on 1vs1 as Casual. I think I could still beat many Casual players in AoE4. There are many noobs. ROFL.

Yeah the visual problem isn’t even just aesthetically bad, it makes it visually difficult to discern melee unit types in (and even out of) combat. For people that have issues with SC2 skins making units hard to discern, AoE4 must be really rough.

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Yes,that part is true too,Aoe is really confusing,all you see is people with sticks, I was reading their forums and read more prople pointing that it was hard to see on the spot, and thats the players,I’m just a viewer and I find difficult to see stuff,in sc2/bw you dont have that problem,every unit is different, in aoe it looks like there are two types of guys,on foot and on horse.

Starcraft excels in that stuff,everything is visually satisfiying (except some skins-colours), one example, in aoe every ranged unit attacks at the sane time creating a fake af effect, while in sc2 there is a random attack delay to make the units look different from each other but keeping the unit balanced.

And the movement…I think it was Uthermal the one who said something like he shouldn’t be worrying about the unit movement anf babysitting the units and said that sc2 unit movement is the best and near perfect. When I see aoe fights I notice weird pathing,movement not being fluid,it is like two blobs of undistinguishable people melting into each others,a poor man’s total war version of a fight but without the classic dead bodies carpet.

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Also HM said he wasn’t sure about aoe being an e sport because he felt it wasn’t that exciting to see,he said that also from the viewer perspective,said it was probably a fun game to play but that apparently the viewing experience didn’t feel good but that to form a better opinion in the gameplay he should play the game once the early noob phase of the game (people doing weird things and no meta) ended.

…If the game ever stabilizes enough for such a long macro battle then it can flip either way. In fact, those flips are the REASON why games can drag on like that.

A one-sided snowball will end the game significantly faster.

That problem has been figured out with most of the Age Of Empires 2 templates.

The developers and modders probably need more time to iron out those issues in Age of Empires 4.

It definitely still happens in AoE2, so I’m not sure in what way it was fixed there. It’s why I stopped playing it outside of custom games with friends; because then we can remake until we have a reasonably even spawn.

All that being said, it’s definitely an issue that has been completely and totally fixed in other games for a while. Factorio is probably my favorite example because you can configure it yourself; but on default settings you’re guaranteed a buffer from spawners and a patch of each starting resource. I’ve never had a random default spawn in that game where fundamental resources were just missing and that’s because it’s correctly coded.

Well, I haven’t noticed it in the templates that I play; but then again I usually play on those split forest templates where there is either 1-2 paths between teams or an actual forest wall.

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In 2 at least, its hard coded so that all bases start with a set minimum amount of resources of each type in a given radius, but its possible to have more or fewer of a given type of resource than your opponent if more randomly spawns near your base.

AOE4 will win in the long haul. Because the starcraft franchise is quickly becoming the McDonald’s of the RTS genre.

It’s buying hundreds of high value land plots across the US? Like…being McDonalds, despite their garbage tier food, would be equated to being massively successful and viable worldwide.

As for AoE4 winning…I don’t see how tbh. The game has massive…MASSIVE glaring issues and that’s the first and only impression most players are going to have; and based on what they’ve communicated they’re fixing some of the glaring bugs but leaving some of the worst design decisions (enjoy having games where you spawn without stone/gold, forcing you to gg out because you literally cannot win from that big of an economic deficit, for the rest of AoE4). Some AoE2 players will stick with it, just like AoE3; and yeah some SC2 players might make the switch, but I’m sadly confident that it will be another AoE3. I really wish it had been a good game.


The pylon show has a really good episode on AOE4 from a SC2 perspective

Ew, BeastyQT, I don’t watch any content with his face or voice in it.

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Why he opens the eyes of the deluded ones who do not see the protoss imabalance. He speaks truths. A fellow to listen to sometimes.

Combine the two games.

Star Empire.

Seriously though, AOE4 is good. I’m no master league analyst but the game felt smooth. Of course StarCraft would always be my bias game.

AoE4 is far too buggy. They released a patch to fix major bugs, and introduced new silly things like infinite spearmen attack range, and no fix for the HRE prelate bug which hinders the civilization. It would be like playing Terran with mules that dont do anything but move around and repair.

They are at least giving it a good effort and progress is being made. It’s a heavily supported game, and that’s what matters.

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IDK if I believe that, but I want to believe in AOE4 devlopers too. SC2 had lots of effort/progress/support from devs the first 5 years. These same devs later gave us:

Widow mines
Swarm hosts
Shield batteries

I rest my case

I saw a game of AOE4. Why do they call it “4” ? It s pretty the same thing. Good old days, i was playing AoM, at least there was fun with mythological units.