Only one race on podium

complete madness to deny that the tournaments are not reflective of balance. But there goes zerg groupthink, with the defenders claiming, denying that there is a problem. If there is, they will tell it is in the opposite direction :smiley:

I disagree. I thoroughly believe finals are fair indications of balance. They may not be the best indications, but they are certainly significant.

7 zerg premier tournament wins in row, 5 different zergs in one year, terran and protoss doing horribly, even in RO4 and RO8.

I mean, Blizzcon had 0 RO4 terrans, and 1 RO8 terran, since you said racial distribution is important in those rounds.

Dear lord.


Yes, and Zerg was subsequently nerfed. Thanks for proving my point


I didn’t say tournaments aren’t reflective, I said the last person standing isn’t the best indicator. Just because a race has 1 good player doesn’t mean the race is imba.

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Dang is there an echo in here? That’s exactly what went through my head when I looked at this malarkey

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terran is still in the waiting room for whether the nerf worked or not. Maru in RO4 at IEM is all we got, and that’s not much.

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Yes, the mathematics of RO4 make it so there will always be only 1 race with 2 players. Everyone else gets 1 player in RO4.
4%3 = 1 (% is the modulus operator fyi)
So is Zerg to blame for mathematics?

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I’ve said previously that having 1 terran in RO4 after 7 premier tournaments where zerg won is the absolute bare minimum for acceptable at this point.

Of course a RO4 distribution isn’t ever going to be mathematically equal.

The point goes over your head.

1.) zerg won 7 premier tournaments in a row
2.) zerg was nerfed, but terran hasn’t shown mass improvement yet, so we still don’t have much to go off of.
3.) As of right now, terran isn’t looking that much better than last year. 1 terran in RO4, being Maru, is still mediocre results for terran, consider the past results as well.


There s no relation with mathematics…
Mathematics are arithemetic, geometry, differential calculation, algebra, analytic calculation, statistics, etc…

What i ve shown is not mathematics, it s only a clue to the current wealth/health of sc2. There s no comparaison, analysis or whatever, percentage numbers spoke by itselves - your monolog OldWhovian is pathetic.

All we can concern ourselves with is the current patch, there’s no denying that Zerg was stronk in 2019.

…If you think statistics and their analysis isn’t mathematics there is literally no helping you. You don’t just present numbers with no context and get a pass because you refuse to acknowledge that statistical data isn’t involved in mathematics. That’s just attempting to leverage your own ignorance as a weapon. The only pathetic thing here is your refusal to acknowledge how faulty that data and its intention is.

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Right, and currently terran isn’t showing any different signs “yet” than last year. Having 1 terran in a RO4 isn’t much different than last year.

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It is when the TvZ winrates were positive in the tourny. In addition, as I’ve stated, looking only at who wins the tournament isn’t a good indicator of balance.

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No its really not. You can have 100 tournaments end with a zerg champion and have terran have a higher win rate in each tourny.

The finalists, and winners, matter.

Involve “mathematics” in this context doesn t prove anything… You re reasonning as a hollow statue without material, silly argumentation are done by cowards…

Of course we should only divert to a Zerg player when discussing which stats are important during a years long period of Zerg dominance…

This is a problem that’s been there since the beginning of SC2 and Zerg whiners always have to make it about them.

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Says the person with literally no argument.

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I play all 3 races. I’ve been playing Terran more this patch than Protoss or Zerg.

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If by “finalists” you mean RO4/8 then yes. But no, the person who wins only matters in the sense that they proved they were the best player in their bracket. Since it’s impossible to have more than one winner per tournament and it’s very possible to have one person carry a race, the end winner is less important than RO4/8 by a large degree in regards to balance.

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So, from your stats I take it that we are looking at biggest imbalance in favour of Zerg from the beggining of SCII… Neat.