New Infestor spell - Violent mutation

Corruptor is literally the best AA unit in the game.

Banelings cost supply ā€¦
But more importantly, ALL ZERG UNITS ARE DESIGNED EXPENDABLE. Maybe expect casters and some of the late game ones. Zerg will regularly drop 50 supply down in a fight and remax within few minutes.

Banelings only cost half of supply. By not cost supply, I mean additional supply. Every other morph coasts additional supply. Zerg may like to remax, but having a spell that specifically kills a unit is stupid. Zerg always wants to retain their units especially high cost units.

You would use it on the lings because too many, your ling might not survive long enough to do it, and anything other than a roach is so expensive to justify killing it after 15 seconds. Hydras are expensive, ravagers, lurkers, mutas, BL etc. There is no unit in the game for zerg that they would actually use it on.

Who cares?

Single target abilities that cannot be autocasted, would be useless, however, specially in a swarmy faction.

Ok, and what if it would be AoE with increased energy cost?

It would be playable, but would be OP with Zerglings, since those die way too fast in a fight anyway, and you already use them as a cheap source of high DPS.

Frenzy-type spells would be OP on Zerg.
Just look at what Terran does with Stim, and now imagine a race with even bigger numbers doing it, on all their units.

Thatā€™s why I originaly went with single target, but perhaps it could be limited in some other way, for example max x targets per cast.

Better spell would be:
Cost: 150 energy
Effect: In 4 radius all biological units become ā€œMutatedā€ for 10s. Mutated units lose 2HP/s over durration until only 1 HP is left, or durration runs out.

Units affected have their armor tag swapped. Light units become armored and Armored light. Units without tag are only affected by health drain.

Use? Slap this bad boi on roaches attacking tank line or lings attacking +2 blue hellbats and see the difference.

What I donā€™t understand is what is the idea of proposing to replace a spell that is not used with another spell that is not going to be used. Thatā€™s not a nerf to zerg, you get it, donā€™t you? or are you concerned that the ability will be buffed until it becomes useful?

Yeah, itā€™s a pretty underpowered skill.

Lolā€¦ Wut?

It would fill very different role but it seems interesting.

Well that way the ā€œbalanceā€ of the game remains unchanged.
On serious note, I think VM could be used but admitedly the numbers are purposefuly low as to avoid the ā€œZuRg AlReAdY Op AnD yOu WaNnA mAkE tHeM mOrEā€ comments.
So I do think that with proper testing and balancing done, VM could find its place in the game.
And there is little to lose with current MS.

We should call it Zergvid-35

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