Mengsk and Prestige

Mass Sky Fury is more of a fun mobile style, but the drawback is comparatively less tankiness.

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Now, mass Tankivac. That is a meme worthy, yet also highly effective build.

I’ve tried that once and as long as the air wave doesn’t get close to your intercessors they’re actually pretty great. But I think the greatest drawback is that it gets the most aggro (admittedly rightfully so) out of your AA units so it is immediately focused.

That’s why kiting is a thing. I’ve had a small ball of them absolutely tear skytoss apart just by kiting backward. Those poor boys had no idea how much trouble they were in when my Tankivacs showed up.


This was a representation of the feelings of Mengsk level 5 players out there seeing talks about tankivacs (level 8 minimum)

To be fair, level 8 can actually pull it off. 5s can’t. Level 15 is when it gets really spicy, though.

In P2, does the Royal Guard Imperial Support mastery work better than their peasants counterpart?

Yes, especially any level 3 RG with mastery support generate more mandate.

If I recall correctly, it’s almost double for most of the game for P2’s RG mandate versus trooper/labour mandate rate. And near max at superior late game, it’s over double (something like 160 ish vs 300 => 400). Don’t quote me on it, it’s what I recall.

I can definitely tell you it’s more mandate, the numbers above might be incorrect.

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While the royal guard mandate mastery gives you more in the late game with p2, I think it’s still better to go with trooper mandate mastery cause they give more mandate in the early game and as I always say, the early game is the most important part of the game.

While Ancal is right, I say that how you build it is entirely on your shoulders. Personally, I take RG Mandate over Trooper Mandate, as it saves you 200 Gas in the early game. (1 Blimp + Amped Airwaves). That’s a whole Marauder.

The benefit he’s referring to is somewhat applicable if you are pairing RGs with a sizeable trooper force with IW surveying.

If your P2 style is generally mass RGs then I would say going Labour/Trooper mastery is entirely useless. Why? Because the difference is literally the 30% from mastery of the 2-saturated bases filled with Labourers during any stage of the game.

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but i run out of space for all those academies :o

with a bit practice you can missile down those shuttles, getting the timing right is the crucial part here :smiley: not to mention immolation at higher levels will wreck biological waves of rines or roaches

also i love the emp grafical effect, looks like a bubble exploding, stopping mechnical units for a very short time is a bonus so you can nuke them down aswell …

i might have a nuking addiction though =P

Who doesn’t, amirite?

Though, that’s assuming no casualty, correct? IW at saturated bases would provide support without the risk of them dying compare to frontline. Tough as they are, RG can still die (Though I suppose new ones level up quick enough in P2 that it’d be merely a setback)

It really depends more on your ramp and expo speed than lost RG. Once you hit the point where the two produce comparable amounts of Mandate RG production should be pretty quick. So the only point where a loss of RG would impact the mastery is before that moment the two Mandate productions are equal, since past that even if you lose RG you will still produce more Mandate going that route.

So in other words, personally the choice of the two comes from playstyle and goals. If one wants to beat the mission as quickly as possible, or is slower building out RG and wants more to defend early, than Trooper is better for P2. If one has a more leisurely playstyle, or is very quick to meet that equal point, than RG mastery is better.

Thanks all for reply. :slight_smile:

Just accidentally jumped into a Hard game at P3 level 1. We won, because I decided to treat human lives like trash.

yeah p3 is something else, i miss the fast ghosts :smiley: and instant nukes, on the other side now i am building those tanks, since i can’t heal my stuff anymore atleast i can repair my precious metals :open_mouth:

hm i wonder if p3 particular benefit from the cruiser enhanced range but i can’t remember how much resources they where, but rushing them without taking expansion is suicide, i will see

One major issue P3 fixed is that instead of dying in vain to Psionic Storms, now the dead troopers take vengeance from beyond their grave. It’s great to lead flamethrowers spearhead your charge just to detonate bombs.

So the loss is equally important for both choices. And to that specific end, losing RG is much harder than losing a handful of troopers (or losing that IW).

What most people don’t understand or perhaps underestimate is how trooper generation works. That is it only works under IW’s indoctrination and not simply having one tag along. So very often, as players move their army along, that mandate rate fluctuate quite a bit.

The passive nature of RG’s mandate generation is usually what gives the better overall rate-benefit. The eventual absolute better rate of RG is just another bonus.

How the math works:

  • Troopers gives 2 per supply. So assuming you run a 50supply trooper during an mid-game push. That’s 100 while IW is indoctrinating and you retain all 50 troopers (which is very unlikely).
  • Similarly in P2, a single AG will give 6supply x (100%base + rank x 50%). So a few sub scenarios:
    • 50supply / 6 = ~8 rank 0 to reach similar level in mandate.
    • That’s ~250/250 x 8 = 2k/2k resources versus 50troopers x 40 = 2k + any additional weapon purchased.
    • 6 x 250% at rank 3 = 15. 100 / 15 = ~7AGs. The cost difference isn’t that big.

So you can see troopers are more efficient than RG before they reach rank 3. And that’s why in all sense, most guides suggest to level RG to rank 3. It’s almost absurd in a sense that majority of the “better benefit” is locked behind rank 3.

However, once you do get rank 3, you rarely lose the RG, they function better with high damage output than troopers by far, more tankiness, and better mandate rate. There is no comparison at all. Ultimately again, it comes down to preference of style. Choosing P2 means you’re already choosing a slower-push prestige (than P3 for example). So to me personally, it makes little sense to use trooper mastery in P2.

That’s pretty much it. On higher difficulty where mobs were upgraded ahead of time and caster firing aoe, I rarely sustain the Trooper number after each encounter (unless they’re rocket troops where they stay a distance behind the RGs). RG too die sometimes, but far tougher to kill.

Can IW at two bases alone, with mastery, provide enough mandate that I can settle with that #, instead of relying on getting RG to rank 3, easy though it may be in P2. I often time found myself with a lot of mandate while having CDs on, well, CDs. P1 would’ve love all those excessive mandate for sure.