Make peace with Adun

-1 Something to circumvent the character count.

I just wanted to say this is still the worst mobile interface ever even after Iā€™ve gotten used to it.


I still use my computer; both at home and at work. I loath smartphones personally, even though Iā€™m forced to have one.

Why do you hate smartphones? The amount of useful functions is insane, on top of having the collective knowledge of your humanity at your fingertips, all in portable form that travels with you in your pocket.

The main downside is it gets addicting, checking stuff all the time.

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Iā€™d say itā€™s the addiction potential.

For me, I watched Smartphones turn the business day, at least in North America, from 9-5 to 24/7.

Here, if youā€™re emailed at 11:00 pm, youā€™re expected to answer. Thereā€™s no extra pay for such things. People go on vacations and are still answering work emails and sorting out work problems.

The always connected aspect has allowed businessā€™ to keep their employees always working.

Overtime and such existed pre-smart phones, of course, but it was no where near like it was now, where the general job is now 24/7 expected.

The addition aspect plays into that to, since people need to check those notifications, and thus reply and work.

Even outside of work/business, the addiction aspect is real, and I believe itā€™s greater than smoking addictions now. I know far too many people who are smartphone addicted, and though itā€™s a societal accepted addiction, that doesnā€™t make it right.

I avoided getting a smartphone for as long as I could, until my boss finally made me.

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