Level Comander is 5. Co-op game

US server. I cannot login. After i join server.
I see my level comanders are 5 (Artanis, Kerrigan and Raynor).
I like Starcraft 2 and supporters very much. That is great.
Please fix my level comanders. Thank you very much.

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facing same issue here with my mates, all capped at level 5

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Kerrigan stuck at 5. Last time it was Fenix, but it got resolved after playing with an unbugged Nova.

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Hi! I’m experiencing the same issue with Artanis. Tried loggin in and out, didn’t work. I did lose internet connection when I was playing the other day. Not sure if that was the reason.

Facing the same Issue right here all my free commanders are reset and capped at level 5 only.

Hey all, there is a main thread for this issue that you can use to consolidate reports.

Europe server
my comanders(Artanis, Kerrigan and Raynor) are at leve 5 too,plz help me fix that !!

Same issue here pls fix this thank you

I just spent another $40 on this game. One that I already own but the game keeps telling me that I have the F2P version. So I’ve already been told that I can NOT get a refund, my Co-op is still telling me that I need to spend money to be able to play. Is this a joke Like WHAT ELSE DO I NEED TO BUY SEND ME THE LINK. $200 ALREADY SPEND ON SCII. What do I need to buy?

See my reply in your other thread.

Same issue, cant level them up.

Today the same problem comes to my account, i just played a game with mengks and everything was allright, level up to lvl 2 and, later i played a match with raynor, when i finish i saw that im capped to lvl 5 with raynor, kerrigan and artanis, what can i do? im in us server

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