League placement in ladder 1 v 1 is broken beyond repair

I think CellarDoor knows about the bronze/masters placement bug. He might be trying to intentionally make fun of GeneralGonzo, by giving him misleading information.

Being a smurf, he probably does just the same to every player he meets. If he does so ingame, why wouldn’t he on the forums ? :see_no_evil:

Hi Gonzo.

It’s doubtful the personnel in charge of the maintenance of Blizzard’s legacy games do read the General Discussion on a regular base. So while it’s indeed a revolving bug, if you want to bring their attention to it, this is not the best way to do so.

I would suggest :

  • Either to post a thread in the bugs’ report section (possibly linking to this one). It has already been done though.
  • Either to directly queue a ticket directly at the customer support (possibly linking here as well) https://support.blizzard.com/.

I would do so myself, but I already annoyed them with the Portraits mismatches in the past, so maybe they’ll appreciate better if it didn’t come from the same guy again. :wink:

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