I think CellarDoor knows about the bronze/masters placement bug. He might be trying to intentionally make fun of GeneralGonzo, by giving him misleading information.
Being a smurf, he probably does just the same to every player he meets. If he does so ingame, why wouldn’t he on the forums ?

There are almost no gold nor platinum players this season, you are either diamond, or fall to silver. A big chunk of the bottom is bronze. You can check this in rankedftw
There were seasons where there were so many masters who were 2800ish MMR.
Each season the league placement gets worse and it is not getting fixed. The bugs can be traced for almost 2 years now.
Could the league placement in the ladders be fixed please?
Hi Gonzo.
It’s doubtful the personnel in charge of the maintenance of Blizzard’s legacy games do read the General Discussion on a regular base. So while it’s indeed a revolving bug, if you want to bring their attention to it, this is not the best way to do so.
I would suggest :
- Either to post a thread in the bugs’ report section (possibly linking to this one). It has already been done though.
- Either to directly queue a ticket directly at the customer support (possibly linking here as well)
I would do so myself, but I already annoyed them with the Portraits mismatches in the past, so maybe they’ll appreciate better if it didn’t come from the same guy again.