Katowice the protoss just plain suck

Too late kiddo. U called me a liar, narcissist and incel because i had an opinion about a video game u didn’t like. I know who my friends are and u ain’t one of em lmao.

Okay so what ? I see GM badge but GM on NA starts at 4.8k right ? And why are you so afraid to show your MMR ? Is it too low Batzy ? Is it BARELY gm ? 4.8-4.9k MMR ? :slight_smile:

I don’t show the mmr because of internet stalkers. Want an example. Look above. I get enough harassment throughout my normal day. The thirsty chicks just can’t let up. I’ve had women stalk me before. It’s unreal. A man just can’t flex in his own mirror for his own benefit – some paparazzi somewhere has to notice and start chasing you around.

Want to know why filthy rich businessmen will drive 12 year old camrys? It’s because they don’t want the attention. It’s that simple.

I hate public gyms too. Legit can’t look anywhere without catching a girl mirrin’. It makes it awkward. Look over here, chicks staring. Look over there, chick looks away real fast. Look up at the ceiling, a chick comes over and says hi. Have people ever wondered that a ripped man just wants to exist sometimes without being harassed by thirsty women.

The only thing that i could think of but i believe may be too OP would be increasing High Templar energy to 75 instead of 50…

But that would be extremely OP