Karax is the best defense master

They do pretty well, actually, they’re melee range so they don’t overkill all that much. So they go from clone to clone until it’s done.

When serious defense is needed it is always Karax who shines the most. A lot of it has to do with the instant build time, requiring only a single probe and not having to rely on repair. Other commanders have a lot more work settting up defenses and if they’re not on time they’re screwed. A lot of mutations are nasty to units but not to buildings, repair is absolutely terrible. Karax’ shield batteries heal for a whopping 2100 points per minute + 200 for each shield battery in range due to barrier which at the same time can act as burst healing against initial burst damage. Zeratul’s sentries only heal for 700 shield per minute by contrast. With khays at the front and one unit of space between the khays and rest of the buildings karax can idly withstand an onslaught of stanks and should intervention be necessary he has it pretty easy with his topbar.

What about Alien Incubation, Walking Infested, and Speed Freaks?

Perhaps you need to read the rest of this thread… easiest != best

The single most misleading and misinformed sentence I’ve read in this discussion. In fact, it is quite the opposite, especially in mutation (as this is where ‘serious defense’ exists).

It isn’t to say Karax is bad at defence (by any stretch of the means at all), again quite the opposite. However, to say ‘best’ or ‘shines the most’ would be entirely a misrepresentation.

Overall I think Swann is better than Karax on defense, reasons such as mass cannons are not so good or cheap compared to the utility of swanns defenses/laser, monoliths shore up that weakness but are expensive. The overall utility of the commanders allow for aggressiveness with the laser/chrono but I think Karax tends more towards aggressiveness than Swann, such as getting a set of upgrades early leads towards better map control where a laser will always fire at a possible target. Even army units tend in favor of Swann’s defense, tanks and thors are slow and must obey ledges where the colossus and carrier do not have to.

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2nd (5th’d?) for Swann. Karax is more…set and forget, maybe? Layers of cannons, monoliths, and batteries require very little oversight, once set up (especially with the repair beam). But it takes quite a bit of those things to hit a critical mass. Swann is a lot more economical because his splash damage is way higher. A single flamer, blaster, and tank punches way above its weight in terms of cost. Stacked tanks are effectively unapproachable on the ground.

Swann’s air defense even has splash. 4-5 missile turrets and light air just evaporates. He generally has to incorporate goliaths against capital ships, but since that’s his best all-round unit, why wouldn’t you be building goliaths?

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