Innovation is a far superior player to trap

No it means that your apm won’t be higher just by spamming production. It doesn’t take more skill to make lings compared to making a carrier or a mothership.


Oh ok then you won’t mind if we halve the supply / power level of every protoss unit, thus doubling the macro and micro requirements of Protoss?

Yeah ez production gate army non exist against solid terrans you protoss you must rush t3 units just to hold any low tier unit agression

Winter did a series with low Apm into GM… not a thing. Thats why I said hig GM. I think Geralt has ~ apm about 220. Check his history, Im not sure, dont wanna lie.

Yes, and even some onetricker P having 190 apm, not saying they cant get away with low apm, just saying that as T you can also play low apm modes up until certain level.

I’m not sure if it matters so long as the unit size is also made smaller thus not changing the surface area requirements. Sure you raise the apm floor, but what did you accomplish?

APM varies and there will be outliers. It’s the average that matters. APM correlates with win-rate at 0.65. The fact that Protoss have lower APM is statistically significant.

Go into the unit tester and prove it. Show me a video where you can micro 100 stalkers as well as you micro 1 stalker.

Nothing, he thinks that more apm means more skill, as if clicking more rapid fire makes you a bonjwa.

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The challenge is open to you as well. Post a video where you micro 100 stalkers as well as you micro 1. When you can’t, come back and apologize and admit that the majority of the difficulty in SC2 is in the number of things you have to manage.

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Your box select click is the same amount of actions whether is 1 stalker or 2 stalkers since we’re going to a division of 2 scale. Also stalkers fall off pretty hard after you have 12. You’re better off making units from a robo or stargate.

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Select 100 blinkstalkers
Blink with all of them at the same time as if they were a single unit

And done.

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Bruh so any stimroller or zerg magically skilled still lose to protoss how unfair :smiley:

Not a long ago I saw Reynor with 1000apm spikes, I have heard he has a waterproof keyboard and has to play with a person by his side pooring water on the keyboard to avoid fires.

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If you honestly think you can micro 100 stalkers as well as you can micro 1, you’re braindead or a liar.

Look again. How to defend a Banshee/Oracle with each race. Terran some units in each base, zerg spore+Queens in position and micro, Protoss - plant down 1 Battery and safe for rest of the game. Or Warp gate… like wtf??? What was that? Why is for Zerg not automatically binded all hatches into 1 global hotkey? Or terran production why dont start a right add-on depending on current build and buildings switches each other as build goes on? Why was this auto Warp Gate + W hotkey bindung implemented??? Noobish right? Why only most Protoss air can attack air/ground, why have to Disruptor one shot 70% of SCU units?? When is protos not a noob friendly and reward worst players than you are a lier

:smiley: Ah plus add some any z and t was on waterproof keyboard-mechanic switch also plus using rapid fire bruh

How is a 100 stalker comparison to 1 equal to dividing units by 2? And how is it harder to micro 100 as if I use box selection? I don’t have to micro them individually, I micro a chunk accordlingly.

Also it a spikes k 1000 apm but how much was useful

Come on kid. What are you waiting for? 1 stalker vs 4 lings. Post the units lost tab. Then do 100 stalkers vs 400 lings. Post that unit lost tab.