I’m confused. When did this happen? Can you point me in the direction of a vod to watch? Because from your thread I thought you were talking about yourself, so I wanted to share some tips and strategies to counter the nydus after it does zero damage.
But if this is happening to the best player in the world I would like to analyse the vod
tuesday morning or wednesday morning gsl. SoO 12 pool did no damage was ahead all game.
same thing just happened zerg roach rushed and was ahead of me.
Back in hots if a zerg cheesed like that and did no damage they were very far behind. now it makes a marginal difference at best.
What does this have to do with nydus though? Were you just using nydus as a cheese example?
If we look at the soO v Parting game, parting was ahead after the 12 pool. Supply does not show it. Parting got his nexus down on time, he got his core down on time, he added an extra pylon, made some zealots and pulled probes, but even if the supply showed him behind, parting was ahead at that point in the game. He had the correct defense, he had the correct follow up and he did an insane amount of damage with the adepts. At no point in the game, besides the force field spam part, did parting feel threatened by soO, or feel as if he was behind.
Also Parting is not the best protoss player out there, he’s really far up but not the best. soO isn’t the best zerg out there either, but he’s one of them.
Roach rushes are different. If you don’t scout a roach rush you’re probably going to take damage, and that’s what happened to parting on Zen with the 12 pool that game. soO made lings, parting didn’t scout and he died. End of game. I see no area of imbalance or weakness from the examples given. I guess you probably should learn a little bit more about the game before whining on the forums about a game that parting won.
Then again I’m here wasting my time and effort trying to convince someone who cannot be convinced.
Parting was behind that whole game. Even the casters admitted he was behind. Why are you trying to bend the truth.
The fact is even if a zerg cheeses in lotv they will still be ahead.
He is behind. You’re just not smart enough to recognize it.
uh no. The zerg is not behind when they cheese like that in lotv. Which is one of the reason zerg is a broken race right now.
Yes, they are. You’re just way too trash of a player to see it. Not surprising.
Zerg has the worst cheese in the game. Even Serral says in his interview with Pig recently.
Even when i point you to a game where the zerg was ahead after cheesing you still deny it.
And ill agree with you that zerg has the worst cheese out of the 3 races.
Yes, because anyone with basic understanding of the game knows this is bs.
Showed you a game with the best players in the world… where the protoss had to kill 17 workers just to be on par with the zerg when the the zerg did 0 damage with a 12 pool.
But i guess they have basic and limited knowledge of the game.
Parting had to burn a chrono on 2 zealots and delay his natural, then soO delayed his tech, his 3rd and creep spread to get a few extra dones out. That’s why soO was behind and lost.
The problem you’re too trash of a player to understand what happened in that game.
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SoO was even after he lost 17 drones. And lost because parting had 2 god tier engagements.
Continue to throw around insults and lie as a way to enhance your argument. In hots if a zerg did a cheese like that and didn’t do any damage they would be so far behind… not ahead.
but no fear toss isn’t behind either. When you rush the cannons.
I’m also random and Z is also my best race.Long ago when I played ranked there was a time in which I had so few respect for Z that I just went mass speedling against toss, surprisingly I could maintain 45% winrate with that troll strategy.Zerg only starts taking skill during lategame, there is no real strategy or skill when all you have to do is fill three bases, taking a fourth and then spam units to do a timing, feels like that old roach bust, just mass units and crash them into the enemy.
About nydus, against T is not really good, usually hit or miss, but against P is pretty powerful.
so let me get the facts straight.
you have 3,4k with toss, so i guess your zerg mmr wouldnt be that far away from that, which means, youre basicly playing against COMPLETE noobs. i dont even know a terran bo and my terran is easily above 4,2k… just to make a comparison.
because YOU think, that zerg is your best race, its your reason, why you think, that zerg is op. pro scene? noooo. ladder statistics? lol nope. your 3,4k noob opinion - hell yes!!!
and yes, at 3,4k, you can play basicly everything. hell, i could win against everyone with mass scv at 3,4k
There’s more to a game than drone count in the first 5 minutes. You clearly don’t get it. And Parting’s delayed opener is a big reason he was behind on eco, but again, you just want to whine like a child instead of be honest.
Zerg used to be up 20 drones against Protoss in HOTS in standard macro games. In LOTV Zerg is behind in standard games and has to play defensively because the race is so weak.
It really is amazing how little you know about the game while being so arrogant. You’re a perfect fit for this forum.
Leave it guys, it’s pointless to try to convince him. You know the biggest mistake of the whiners, no matter the race, is that they simply refuse to accept the fact they have a lot of room for improvement. So no matter the balance state of the game or even if it’s hugely favoring the whiner race he will still lose and whine because there will be players who focus on improving instead of whining. Just check his recent posts…
Lol if a 2 base nydus all in does 0 damage to you and you subsequently lose, that’s on you. You must be fantastically awful.
My current win rate as terran is as follows:
vP: 64%
vT: 62%
vZ: 46%
What zergs in gold 1v1 love to do is ling/bane push, or roach/ravager or 2 base muta or nydus play or mass hydra or proxy hatch or…
I will say that I have to learn how to battle these, but my gosh there are so many “these.”
Protoss nerfs have made it easier for me to battle them. I don’t like ez rides.
My Terran opponents are confused when I present my strats. I don’t follow build orders or copy pros.
Lets put things in perspective here.
Compared to the OP, you’re the one playing only ONE race and in a league far below his/hers. So it could be that he/she has more game knowledge than both of us combined.