I'm back to sc2 to find protoss is still hasnt been fixed

i havent played in weeks

Good. Letā€™s keep it that way

lmao now i really wanna show you how wrong you are, dim wit.

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I donā€™t know,your situation seems to be really different compared to OPā€™s. his claim was mostly saying that T was so weak and hard he couldnā€™t advance in thousands of games and P so easy he could get masters in 200 games with no cheeses.So you being a master player and getting master with another race is not comparable I think, to be the same you would need to play thousands of games as T,not advancing/improving at all,being stuck in m3 and then playing P with no cheese and getting GM in 200 games or less i the same season.

My main point was that even if T is harder,is not hard enough to not being viable at D3 and if he played another race for 200 games he would learn a different point of view because at high plat/low dia there is a ton of stuff to learn and master.So if a player who couldnt learn fornthousands of games got M3 with no cheesesor tricks,would be a proof that P would be OP.

If Iā€™d play Protoss and reach the highest MMR offracing letā€™s say with Terran. Would that prove that Terran is OP? While it would be interesting, my point is, unless a big number of people replicate this experiment with the same result, itā€™s hard to make a claim based on a single result.

Save the name calling for when you actually do it

What lmao? Doesnā€™t that just add to the pile of evidence that Protoss is easier? Try getting 4900 MMR with Terran or whatever is above your MMR please.

I donā€™t like him, I also donā€™t like the people giving him sh1t for overtaking his Terran MMR with Protoss.

He played a lot of games to get there, and sure, letā€™s say Protoss might be a bit easier to play. But to what extent is debatable. Heā€™s always saying how broken Protoss is - all he proved at best is that itā€™s a little easier. Tell me, does it really warrant the extent of whining he has done over time?

By the way, my peak Terran MMR was ~4850. My peak Protoss MMR was ~4900. I hit that peak Terran MMR around 2018 when Protoss was actually strong mind you. I hit my peak Protoss MMR around the time Protoss was at its weak point (2019/early 2020?).

I bet you think itā€™s acceptable for people to cry about Protoss 24/7. Terran gets a free pass for crying right? In his own words, he has always said Protoss is broken and easy to get master with. He said he would get master easily. Yet he always comes back to cry like this despite not getting anywhere close. These kinds of people need someone to keep their delusional thoughts in check. Honestly, if everything I said in the past deflected off his density, then nothing will get through to him. He deserves every word thrown at him.

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I dont think its possible to get masters in 200 games. I gain so little points per win. So far, im 10/12 today at diamond 1 elo. This is FAR higher than iā€™ve ever been with terran. I average 80 APM (because i have no idea what im doing) while my opponents have 180+ apm.

How is that a little easier?? Thats MUCH easier.

~300 MMR. Itā€™s a lot easier, but everyone is so awful at the game that 300 MMR is actually an incredible skill gap.

What a prediction, not 4900. :^)

Protoss is a lot stronger now than in 2018. I had a lot more sympathy for you guys in 2019 but now itā€™s just all gone.

See, thatā€™s silly. Every race is easy to get masters with. Just learn a build order bro.

I mean, right now just talking about how Protoss is easier to offrace is pretty much just a universal truth. Iā€™m not going to flame you for talking about something Iā€™ve experienced.

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You are just projecting yourself into any situation that isnā€™t directly related to you. Take one is this:

Wonā€™t bother explaining the rest. I hope at the very least you get the general history of whatā€™s going on here in any case. Thatā€™s all that matters here

Yet they canā€™t even win a CODE S.

because clearly thats the only valid metrics to determine balance.

What, you guys even with better players didnā€™t win a Code S in 2018. Are you agreeing with me?

Thatā€™s not how MMR works. 300 MMR is a large skill gap when the skill cieling is pushed high, not when itā€™s low. Ex: 7000 MMR ā†’ 7300 MMR is monstrous. 3000 ā†’ 3300 is basically the same.

Right, I was just talking about my experience on ladder. I should clarrify too, itā€™s +300 at my MMR as well.

most of the ladders I have looked at this season are all protoss and terran, barely any zergs, ladders all the way from bronze to GM. Thats not to say zerg isnt still strong but itā€™s definitely indicating something.

It gets tiresome I know. Sometimes it is too much.

But itā€™s even dumber silver once trolls who donā€™t play the game to insult those that play and whine. It is why reactions and insults back then exist. But sometimes the forum rulez decide these insults to players are ok but ur not allowed to insult back

The system goes like this

Players play and whine > get insulted by no playing trolls > insulted back the trolls > get punished for insult back

Myanuz can be ban but Myanuz returns with more :poop:

45% with only 31% of representation.


It keeps getting worse :frowning_face_with_open_mouth: