I was hanging around in the KR Coop forum when. .

I found this rather weird idea that a user posted there about how he thought they could improve Karax.

I just wanted to see what ideas you guys have about giviing Karax a Mothership. Yes, he suggested that Karax be given a Mothership. Now, I only had the page translated via Google so it was pretty hard to decipher but from what I understood, this Mothership would still have Time Warp, to help in early offense, cannon pushes and defense, would still have Mass Recall, to help in repositioning Karax’s slow armies, would have an aoe ability similar to Vortex but instead of acting like Black Hole, would overload units and structures, increasing attack and movement speeds, and instead of having a cloaking field, would have the ability to make hallucinations of Karax’s units to make meatshields for Karax’s expensive army. Also, Purifier Beam would now be cast from the Mothership. I believe this Mothership will not be produced from any building and instead will replace Purifier Beam as his 4th too bar ability.

Also, he proposed a change to his level 15 talent, combine Unity Barrier with repair beam and change the talent to give Karax resources upon killing an enemy unit with any of his top bar abilities, the amount being a percentage of the value of the unit that was killed.

I’m not sure how I feel about the Mothership, it feels a little bit off brand for Karax although it does keep him in a support role and lends him a well needed soike in early game utility and power, but I do like the resources for top bar kills mechanic. It actually allows Karax to be able to snowball an army from efficient use of the SoA.



So from what I understand, the Purifier Beam would be replaced by a Mothership, and the Unity Barrier talent would be fused with repair beam and replaced by a salvage on enemy units killed by your abilities.

With all respect, I think this is an unfounded idea.

The reasons for it seem to be:

These are respectively covered by:

  • Orbital Strike / Solar Lance / Purifier Beam.
  • Orbital Strike / Solar Lance / Purifier Beam.
  • Sentinels/Shield Battery.
  • Energizers.

It would be extremely inelegant design to, instead of buffing tools that currently perform these functions, add another to do the same.

Now, while I do believe Sentinels and Shield Batteries could be buffed to be more reliable meat shields, Energizers and Orbital Strike perform perfectly in their roles.

As for the other ideas…

That means the Purifier Beam will have an HP and can die before dealing full damage, and it will most likely move slower. That is a downgrade.

Redundant with Vorazun synergy. If Karax could do that by himself it would be way too much too.

Karax could use more resources, but the idea is redundant with Kerrigan and has serious issues:

  • Forces you to want to kill things with Top Bar Abilities instead of his army.
  • Could be far more powerful than Kerrigan’s assimilation aura due to not being restricted by cooldown, time nor positioning.

That is already a thing. If you have Lvl 3 SoA and a 200/200 army, which is perfectly possible in most maps, you will snowball.

I suggest you recommend this person the following threads to help understanding the issues Karax actually needs addressed:

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As much as I would love an indepth overhaul of Karax, giving him a Mothership is not the way to go. It’s unfitting to his character and style, like you said, and would detract extremely from a potential Selendis commander, which is my biggest concern.

I would love for Karax to be made better, but not at the cost of taking potential ideas from a future Protoss commander.


While I appreciate the various ideas to improve Karax, I still see others kicking but with him :\