You’re saying masters/diamond being 40% zerg at the time doesn’t indicate the probability of zerg being selected for grandmaster. You’re saying Zerg should be 33% of masters/diamond and as such a 40% gm representation is 7% above expected. Except that’s exactly what I am saying almost identically. Protoss representation should be 33% of masters and yet they make up 45% of grandmaster. Thus it proves the point that modern Protoss dominance is the largest imbalance the game has ever had.
Assuming anything except 1.0 / NumberOfRaces makes assumptions about the probability of racial selection, and removing those assumptions is painful and complicated. But if you were to do it, you’d find that about 10% of people either pick the strongest race or avoid the weakest which is an obvious conclusion to come to if you look at historical trends. The moment zerg is nerfed, protoss representation in masters spikes and zergs goes down by an identical amount. The point is, the argument that zerg’s lower population should be predictive of GM is wrong because it ignores race switching. 1/3rd is the proper expectation for masters league, meaning a masters player is equally as likely to pick each race IF the game is balanced.
If zerg is equally likely to be picked in masters league & zerg’s population has 100 mmr higher average, then they should be the most represented in grandmaster. But the reality is that zerg is highly disadvantaged and this makes it less likely to be picked by masters players and the few who pick it are less likely to be advanced to grandmaster. And that’s how you end up with 2x as many protoss in gm as zerg. Probably 1/5th of the protoss in GM are zergs who just don’t want to play zerg on this patch, and who could blame them.