Full Work-Around to the Custom Mode Client Freezes

If you look at it objectively - it is a DISGRACE. Multi million dollar company cannot prevent some script kiddies from throwing tantrum because they got banned in a arcade map. If these people were super hackers i would understand that. But SC2 is still one of the largest competitive games out there and such product should never be abandoned. There should always be a handful of experienced programmers/security experts monitoring all events going around the game. But activision/microsoft finds no profit in managing SC2 so they will let it die and rot eventually.

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Can’t prevent? Anyone with common sense can grasp that the game’s code can be changed, just like any other bug or exploit fix.

Again, common sense (and a little observation) reveals that its not “abandoned”. If it truly was, it would never be touched again, however that’s clearly not been the case since 2020.

To what end? Sitting idle the majority of the time when skies are clear? Not everyone is corporation savvy, which there’s nothing wrong with, however those who aren’t often don’t understand many of the underlying tenets of business.

Don’t try to make this into a MS/ATVI/Bliz thing. Ending games is something all games will experience no matter who makes them. It’s a reality of the video game industry as a whole.

I don’t see anything objective here. It was all subjective opinions based on exaggeration, lack of understanding, cherry picking aurguments, etc.


If you click on CAMPAIGN you can auto join under BOOKMARKS if you have any games there. Worked for me.

Nicely dissected. abs is being extremely simple minded. I bet he would also not be happy if they started charging to offer support/dev for the product. It’s easy to cast expectations on others :upside_down_face:

Looks like the hack is back and crashing lobbies in NA again

Ok. Perhaps you didn’t understand the meaning of the whole comment. I get that you are Blizzard representative and it is your job to promote healthy customer relations but my point was that SC2 is still big product on the market, still attracts dozens of thousands of viewers on their biggest tournaments, pool prizes are still high, yet developer struggles to deal with some script kiddies. and the game is being maintained/patched by literally few people (you said yourself old crew who developed the game left long time ago). If SC2 was some mediocre game with little to no interest from community i would understand that. Those attackeres probably aren’t even real hackers. Just script kiddies who use some program written by others and Blizzard is a giant company who employs best developers, designers, artists etc. Fixing this exploit for them should take few days in worst case.

And i am not the only one who shares above opinion.

LOL who are you ? You came to this forum for the first time, because you saw this exploit ?

That’s just it though. Through market analysis, businesses determine if a product is worth continuing. SC2 could still be the flagship RTS and still the most popular and still most played, but if it’s not passing a cost-benefit analysis it faces retirement. SC2 is free to play now. And based off the decision to retire it, it’s not profitable enough anymore.

From “cannot prevent” to “struggles”. Again, it’s not a problem of how difficult the fix is. It’s business decisions on how to administer a retired game.

I’m not meaning to say you are. SC2 was my first foray into the Bliz universe. It’s one of my top favs. But like every game before and after, it’s reaching the end of it’s life simply because business is business. It’s the cycle of video game life. I’m not saying people have to like it, just saying what it is.

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Business is business and safety is safety. If SC2 is no longer profitable to the point developer can employ their best experts then perhaps the game shouldn’t be supported anymore because it’s no longer safe ? Do you agree ?

Essentially SC2 today is a ticking bomb. You play the game and all of a sudden BOOM ! - you experience crash, your OS might be affected etc. There are various cheating tools - map hacks, drop hacks, lag hacks etc. Basically hackers can do whatever they want just because game isn’t monitored to a satisfactory level.

As far as I’ve seen, you are the one fervently pushing the safety issue. You very well may be an internet security expert, but I, however, will defer to the internal staff who know the intricacies of what’s truly at stake with this particular exploit and their exploited system(s): people who have the education and experience and do it for a living for the company, not armchair security experts on the internet.

So, I don’t agree, based off your, or even my, perception of the situation.

By your argument above, the vast majority of games (and apps) should be unsupported because all complex code is going to have vulnerabilities. They too are all ticking timebombs.

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Hey all,

Give the Arcade a try. Looks to be cleaned up.

Hey thanks for this post it helped me; I thought maybe it was a graphics setting but skipping the lobbies list let me get into a game!

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So many steps to work around this issue, if you just play the game in Linux you don’t have this problem.

As for the argument on whether or not the game is safe, we really won’t know until someone successfully attacks it. The code isn’t Free so only the official devs with the source and exploit makers will ever know if it’s safe or not.

It’s happening again, attempts to join custom in the NA server makes the game crash.
Playing the EU server for now

Good news is people who do this kind of stuff are rarely smart, if they were and actually had skill, they’d be using it to make $ instead of harass Blizzard.

So they will be caught, they will be charged, they will get sued and we’re all going to find out it’s some crazed 16 year old cringekiddie who had their account banned for spouting racism or something that’s well beyond the pale…or worse a hyper maladjusted Avilo type “adult”.

The lobby looks like it got taken down fairly quickly.

The title gave me a chuckle though “sub 2 my patreon 2 stop crashes”

So now the arcade is being held quasi ransom :rofl:

That just means there’s an even bigger paper trail and they’ve now opened themselves up to extortion charges.

This loser is going to jail for a decade. These are federal crimes.

Yeah, it got nabbed surprisingly quickly.

The patreon/Discord link was for Smith the creator of the legit parasite map. Not the exploiters, its a frame job. Everyone is by now familiar with “HighVoltage” being the user ‘mostly’ to blame for this. Sadly no the patreon doesnt amount to anything.

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Hello, I understand the difficulties that Bliz currently faces in operating this game which is already difficult to make a profit from. But as long as this game has not been closed and the relevant employees are still receiving the salaries they deserve, I believe players should receive the services they deserve as well. A bug, which is so serious that it has already affected the player’s gaming experience, took Bliz almost half a month to fix, with the attacker finging a new attack method in less than two days. So if the bug cannot be fixed immediately, why not take emergency measures such as blocking the account of the map uploader, removing relevant maps, or temporarily prohibiting the upload of all maps? Besides, it is a loss for both players and Blizz, and the attacker’s behaviour has absolutely voilated the User Agreement, so does Bliz intend to investigate for the his responsibility? In addition, last time it took bliz about two months to fix the bug in the Asia Server coop commander’s level last time. Objectively speaking, the efficiency of bliz’s work in these two events is unbelievable and can be hardly acceptable to its users.

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