Fix MMR range for Toss and Zerg

Make up your freaking mind dude. Were you talking to me or him?

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Dude I was talking to him, when I was talking about talking to you. The original quote was to you.

No, it’s very very different. One catagorizes the entire Terran playerbase as being bad (Quote 2), the other merely states that of players in the low leagues, more tend to play Terran (Quote 1). They’re two completely different things and two completely different conclusions.


It still comes back to the same circular logic. “Why are the lower leagues populated by Terran players?” “Because they’re bad/casual.” “How do we know they’re bad/casual?” “Because they populate the lower leagues.”

Its not circular logic, youre just approaching the same topic from two directions and getting to the same point because youve left out all the various reasons why terran appeals to casual players.

The actual logic is: Lower league players are casual. There are more terrans in the lower leagues. Therefore those terrans are casual.


To amend this so there’s no question of what is being said:

  1. Lower league players are generally casual for one reason or another.
    1b) A lack of play time, a lack of time to play, bad macro, rubbish builds, a lack of game knowledge, unfamiliarity with the game and many, many more reasons.
  2. There are more Terran players in low leagues.
    2b) This can be general similarity to other RTS games, familiarity through the tutorial, familiarity through the free campaign or from various arcade games, because they’re the human faction, or simply because they found that particular race the most fun and fitting for them.
    2C) Ultimately, there are a host of potential reasons that we don’t really have the ability to quantify from the data we have without holding a poll from those players to find out why they chose the race they did.
  3. Therefore those specific Terrans in those low leagues are casual players.

A Bronze player is strictly more casual than a Masters player. Certainly. But the reason it’s a strawman is because the idea that a Silver 2 Terran could be less casual than a Silver 1 Protoss is hardly out of left field somewhere. “Casual” isn’t just a yes or no. It’s a spectrum, let’s say.

Either way, I don’t love oversimplifications. Attributing an individual attribute to a population is lazy. That’s called the “fallacy of composition” IIRC.

Your entire argument relies on an oversimplification based on this data.


Excellent, glad we can agree on that.

It’s not a strawman at all.

By the very definition above - that we have both agreed on I might add - both players are casual players. I don’t understand why this is hard to fathom.

We aren’t arguing who is more casual between the two; you’re the only one doing that here. Nobody else in this thread has even made the statement that "terran players are more casual than protoss players, because it’s a silly argument to make because of so many reasons.

Ultimately, both players are low level players. Therefore, they’re both casual players.


You made it binary yet again in this statement. A more casual player, all things being even, should be slightly higher ranking than a a less casual player.

This is why I hate arguing in the subjective. There’s zero ways to quantify what ‘casual’ even means. That’s why no one is willing to define a metric that even indicates it.

Theyre all under the umbrella. Where specifically they fall isn’t really important.


Firstly, someone who is more casual would be lower ranked than someone who is less casual. A diamond player is less casual than a silver player.

Secondly, that’s an entirely irrelevant point. Casual is casual. We’re not saying one race is more casual than another race - at least I’m not.

If you’re bronze or silver, even gold, you’re going to be a casual player Is someone who is Silver 1 better than someone who’s silver 2? Maybe, but again there’s so many factors that go into that that it’s not a quantifiable metric, hence the umbrella of “casual” applies to literally every player in the low leagues, regardless of race.


My case is that a Silver 1 Terran, ON AVERAGE, is slightly less casual than a Siver 1 Protoss or Zerg.

The entire point was to take one variable (MMR) and apply an explanation. No one has done so in any measurable way.

Including yourself. So the fact that you’re trying to draw conclusions from it is pretty obtuse.


I eliminated variables. You just threw out random conclusions. There’s a difference, sweetheart.

Yeah, you threw out a random conclusion with extra steps first. At least ours has SOME backing in logic.


I displayed multiple that are quantifiable metrics. You got angry and said they don’t mean anything because the obvious conclusions hurt your wittle feewings.

Which you then failed to link in any way to your actual conclusion.


They are linked directly to my conclusion (and yours, only it’s linked inversely). You know how I know that my data is linked to those conclusions? Because it’s exactly the data you asked for. You leveled the accusation that Terrans were new. Hell, you did so in this very thread, what, a week ago?

When I proved you dead wrong, did you conclusion shift even slightly? Not. An. Inch.

It’s sad Barcode has probably nothing else to do, so he sits here and wastes everyone’s time. We should stop feeding the Troll.

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