Feedback on April 28th Balance Update changes

There is nothing wrong with protoss economy.

Overall the changes are good. Except the widowmine change.

But as I said…seems shy. Adepts and Colossus could have some love.

Are they really losing?. Until Protoss gets all AOE options at the same time Terran does pretty well.


That said regarding the oracle being a passive detector - that is way too broken.

Stargate play becomes insanely strong in pvt and PvZ and removes the balance of the robo production bottleneck Protoss has

In pvt it makes banshee and mine play useless while letting the robo focus on pumping out combat units. Not to mention the fact Terran cannot defend oracle harass with mines anymore

In PvZ creep becomes impossible to spread while again letting the robo forgo observer.

That is not true, as a matter of fact.
He has many times criticized the dev’s positions on various items.

You are new here to the forum and you have never played SC2 (given the lack of your gaming history).

I suggest you… stay awhile and read… what he and the rest of us post before casting judgement.

And welcome to SC2! May your journey here be as rewarding as it is filled with hardship!


Adept x Infestor as an example. And who can forget the frustrating Observer?


No one in their right mind can claim that their mind is ‘in sync’ with someone else’s mind.

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Balance aside, I’m shocked that the balance team is giving itself a pat of the back for removing Brood Lords from the game.

The balance team is publicly expressing their SATISFACTION over flat out removing a strategy option from the game entirely. No serious attempt to balance it or anything. The balance team stated “Brood Lords are a thing of the past”… and they are happy about it!!!

A true balance team would try to make every unit a balanced unit trough out the game. They have just showed their true colors that actually, strategy is not important. If you want to play at high level you’re only allowed to play whatever the devs decide and it’s fine if the other strategies are nerfed into oblivion.

A very dangerous precedent has been set.


Where were you when it comes to Reapers, Adepts, Ravens, Colossus, etc?. Lots of units in SC2 could be more viable or more viable in different match ups.


The precedence was set when they gutted Protoss lategame and turned it into a gimmick race just because Korean protoss pros were capable of threatening Terran dominance

Now that Protoss is out of the picture, Zerg is next in their crosshairs exactly as I predicted last year. It’s zergs turn to be gutted.


They “gutted” Protoss lategame because of PvZ Mass Carrier-HT being so strong.

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We’ve been through this over and over. I keep showing you blizzards official statements on why Protoss lategame was gutted and they specifically stated it was mainly due to pvt lategame. Do you want me to copy and paste them again or what?


No one went mass carrier in PvT. Mass Carrier was PvZ.

HT = nerfed because of ghosts and Zerg casters getting wiped out in the late game.

Carriers = nerfed because mass carrier in PvZ was bad for the game just like mass raven and mass infestor was.

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I was trying to say you had a valid point.

Lol. Well I guess you’re going to make me copy and paste official statements AGAIn

You’ll see them in 30 min when I’m on computer

I guessed you somehow missed all the PvZ whine threads.

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I saw those threads but they weren’t the reason the lategame was gutted according to blizzard.

I do agree that the prism immortal and zealot nerf were primarily due to PvZ iirc. But that’s not lategame really

They also buffed lurkers to fill the void. They specifcally stated they wanted something other than broods to beat IAC.

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If they never nerfed the wm they wouldnt have had to do so many bandaid nerfs to fix TvP.

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I know the statements, but it was for PvT AND PvZ. Especially PvZ.