Does the ladder serve any point now?

At this point it’s mostly smurfs in lower leagues. Personally I’ve joined them, I can’t be bothered to ladder properly any more because it’s ruined by smurfs so I’m just like if you can’t beat them join them. I might even start map hacking to be honest since I’ve never used one and it’d probably be a novel experience to do before the game dies. Gonna hang around gold and plat any way. Really at this point you should just have a special ladder mode for the pros and gm players to match with each other and then have another mode where it just randomly puts 2 players together without any regard for mmr or a ranking system. There is no competitive integrity in the ladder system so scrap it, otherwise might as well just abuse it until it dies imo.

Or you know, you could stop being a crybaby and play the game like everyone else.


It’s just a video game. 99.99999% of players will never win a dollar from StarCraft. We play for fun. If it’s not fun that’s a sign to stop playing.

Also there are lots of resources out there to get better at the game. Scope YouTube for them.

I’m pretty sure they’re not smurfs and you just can’t deal with a 50% win rate.

you cant have more than 50% winrate if you are not a top gm player, because with winrate over 50% your mmr will only increase non-stop, until top 1 gm and not every player you lose to is a smurf.

I think you lost everyone on this point.

Why does it need a point?

You play it for a quick match, there is nothing else to it

idk about you but I only see a smurf in ranked 1v1 about once every 100 games. not exactly enough to prevent your climb

You won’t get any better by smurfing, but you probably will get more triggered when you think you’re being beaten by players you should smash because you’re “smurfing”.

This is pure scum. Maphack is very uncommon and I can’t think of a better way to ruin the game for yourself and others. However, if you want to pay a subscription fee to cheat at a free game I suppose that’s your business.

No, it’s not…

get good, stop posting.

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