Dead of Night Bonus Objective

Maybe I should start opening up guides. Kinda lost faith in them when one trashed Rattlesnake’s SSS.

I personally have only noticed it in DoN, probably because it’s my most played mission.

You are correct, It spawns on the third night. I’ll edit my original post.

Really, I’ve never seen that, and as stated above, I play DoN constantly. Perhaps it’s because I’m able to clear half the map by night 2 as Nova if I have a competent enough partner.

Regardless it seems bonus objectives are a problem and they should be fixed lol.

Many times it has spawned on the opposite side of the map for me, but we usually have cleared the entire map, minus a few infested structures by the time it spawns.

Yeah, I almost always play Nova, and I’m able to clear a bit during the first night, then usually go for the top of the map and stop to defend the second entrance for night 2, then clear the rest of the map on day 3, if my partner has pulled their weight in offence.

Exactly, so many times on DoN when there’s 10 or so building left, I remind my ally about the bonus and they ignore me 8/10 times, saying “it’s just 5k xp, not worth”.
5kxp over 10 games is 50k xp, which is nothing to scoff at. And 10 games is not very hard to achieve.