He’s not a whiner, that’s my job.
It’s a marine 1st opener lol. You can’t really get complex with that man. Like you build depot at 13-14, depending on how ballsy you feel, then Rax, then Marine and the Marine gets rallied out to catch the Overlord (or it stays home in case of lings)
Yes, that marine will attack your Overlord and no, it won’t die unless you let it. Every map has ledges, dead space, etc to use and it takes while for 1 Marine to kill that Overlord…
Like I said, I think you just don’t want to lose the pervy pillar because it would mean putting more effort into scouting, not that it’s actually needed.
And I think you dont play this game at a high enough level to understand why the pillar is necessary. One of us is right…
Missed your edit.
If you NEED that scout, like, you really suspect cheese or an allin, you freaking sack your overlord and plan for it lol.
This is one of the major differences between good Zerg players and bad ones, good ones will say “screw it, I didn’t get the scout I needed and I am totally blind right now, it’s time to get some real scouting info and build an extra overlord” when they smell something fishy happening.
Remember how I said Terrans need to stop whinging about Chargelots and start building blue flame hellbats as a response to them, when they’re massed early on?
This is the Zerg equivalent of Terrans refusing to use counter units. I mean, hey, if you’re okay with not scouting properly, the results are entirely on you…but let’s not pretend that the pervy pillar magically prevents Zerg from using dead space that’s 5-10 seconds away from the pervy pillar…nor that Zerg are incapable of building an extra Overlord and sacking the one in dead space if they, for example, see a suspiciously de-saturated nat mineral line.
You’re masters, you should know how important scouting is and how not scouting or misreading scouting info can throw games…so I find it really weird that you’re arguing against good scouting practices…
Keep in mind, you’re not exactly several leagues ahead of me so the credence of “you’re just not at a high enough level” doesn’t really carry a lot of weight here.
My money is on myself being right, the Stalker won’t kill the Overlord unless you’re afk. A Marine 1st opener will hurt the overlord but not kill it unless they did something weird like 12 depot rax…and to be honest who does 12 depot rax? lol, again providing you aren’t afk.
thank god sc2 is not balanced by diamond protosses
Yes, because the alternative is much better as it’s lead to nerfed Observers and imbalanced Zerg for over a year.
Don’t crap post please.
Observers were nerfed. The buff stayed in place for several consecutive patches and then was removed after a year, was it? Maybe more?
Your argument that it’s a revert doesn’t make any sense and ultimately is a silly argument based in semantics, designed to start arguments; or as most people would call it; trolling.
Who you?
I never see you
Y u hate dank?
They’re just jelly of my Dark Voice avatar.
To be fair, in the past I have been a total unmitigated butthole so I can’t blame people for not liking me…but I also really don’t care…I’m generally only an butthole to people who troll or are exceedingly arrogant…and while that’s not okay, it’s better than being a butthole to normal, reasonable people.
Reddit the the absolute last place I’d go to get a consensus but hey, if you enjoy agreeing with Reddit, maybe go there? They tend to tolerate toxicity more so it would be a win-win for all parties involved!
Artosis and friends rarely post there and mostly browse but even if they were regulars, a few community figures doesn’t change the overall populous of the subreddit or their tendencies to gravitate towards hubris, arrogance and toxicity while the mods either miss the nastiness or condone it.
A great example of the community being generally toxic, for example, was on TL, back when TB was alive, someone corrected him once, not in a nasty toxic way, just a simple correction and TB flipped out, insulted them continually and had the mods ban them.
Now, I like TB and I don’t like dragging his name through the mud but this is a fantastic example of how the sc2 community can be really, really toxic and immature.
And that’s on TL, which is infinitely better than Reddit for that stuff…
Simply following the herd is not smart, nor advisable. We all have a duty to question the actions and decisions of those in power because as the above case illustrates; absolute power absolutely corrupts.
lol you are soooo getting banned. Have a good day.
Oh no my free account is about to get banned on the forums! have a nice day in diamond league! feel free to join ATP discord to raise ur IQ above 5
Ignore him.
Don’t even try.
One day he’ll go back to his cave. Especially if he can’t find food outside.
Or troll him back.
In spanish we have a very common saying. It goes:
“Ojalá te pille una avalancha de mierda, bostezando, en un callejón sin salida”.
It speaks about muticulturalism. Very enlightening.
Gemini posts pretty often actually
Wanna tell me what this is? Its basic math.
∫₁²x=? (It’s not hard, no one else show answer)
My point: There’s always someone better than you. If you can’t do the above problem, think about that. If you can, think about it anyway
No no no dont try to sell that crap. I said you didn’t have enough time to do that without losing the overlord. The pervert pillar became standard in lotv maps because the quicker builds became an issue for zerg scouting properly at a high level. The pillar doesnt make the dead space further, 12 worker start does.
Well, test it, I’m happy to eat my words if I’m wrong but I’m like…90% sure I’m not wrong here.
whether the pillar is used or not.
I’ve already lost my first overlord to marine. It happens.
But the thread is getting lost. You say others play badly, but you’re not on top yourself.