Commander Bug... Again?!

So the mission button is grayed out? Sounds like something you’ll want to post on the tech support forums, or reach out to Blizzard in an email.

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I am also suffering from the same issue.

Same problem here. Commander’s back to lvl 5…

Hey all,

Hopefully it won’t take another couple weeks! Feels like co-op is such a small community and whenever something like this happens, we lose Juist a bit more.

It’s fixed!

Wish it got fixed in time for last weeks Mutation, but oh well

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Bob codick is responsible for this

The guy golden parachuted a good half year ago now.

This fixed yet? Dont want my new player friend to waste a game trying to level Raynor again

Yeah mine are bugged again.

Best place for this is in the Bug Report forum. There’s already a handful of threads that can be added to.

That said, Bliz is aware of this most recent recurrence.