Co-op: thoughts on new content?

I see… speaking of patches, after Nova Covert Ops, Tosh will have his own campaign called Shadow Ops.


Would love it if CTG could bring any of these to ideas to light but given Blizzards recent track record I wouldn’t hold my breath. Only one I could see maybe getting threw to blizzard would be the bug fixes. Other than that they would have to put a employee on it to do the coding which would require pay for his/her work witch there is NO way they are going to do, unless they can make a massive amount of money off it (look at ALL there recent games they are massively monetized now). Again I would love more content in co-op but i have zero hope this will work. Ctg should focus on other RTS games at this point as there are alot of good one’s on the horizon Stormgate, Zerospace & Tempest Rising.

Thank you guys for bringing this up! I currently have a “team” of just 2 people actively coding bug fixes right now. They are active on my Discord. If anyone here is into coding and knows their way around the Starcraft 2 editor, please join the effort on my Discord!

Also, right now I have a list of bugs with fix status and notes so you can actively track what is being worked on (please do not bother the coders about which bugs they are working on). You can check it out here:

I also have a working form for reporting new bugs, but I kinda don’t want my 2 guys to be overwhelmed right now so I haven’t gotten around to sharing it yet, but I might on my own Discord.

I have also contacted the Chinese community to get their thoughts on the co-op changes. The primary feedback is that it’ll be difficult for them to work on Starcraft 2 stuff since they don’t even have a server anymore. But the interest is there.

Also, they are legally unable to access the Google Sheets, so if anyone can recreate my bug fix list and submission form on a platform that’s not on Google or on one of China’s other prohibited websites, please contact me so we can work on one.

I am also trying to contact some people on the Korean server, but communication has been sparse so far. Would love it if we can find someone who definitely has a big chunk of the Korean community as their audience.

As for Phase 2 and beyond, I already have a list of all the weekly mutations on my database, and I might be able to look for Maguro’s list of submitted weekly mutations. But I don’t think it’s wise to work on a submission system until we have more experts on board to assess and test weekly mutations. It’ll probably be after one more round of bug fixes just so we can reestablish contact.


I’m of two minds about it tbh.

Sometimes I play lower diff to chill, or do an achievement on the Campaign and then there’s less units to deal with, much less. And it kinda changes the gameplay experience. Instead of fighting 8 marines, you fight 2. Not much of a guard!

To your example of Heroes of the Storm - imagine they simply don’t deal a lot of damage. A Nuke comes down, but your army takes 1/5th of it’s HP in dmg. All of a sudden the mutator becomes casual friendly.

But I don’t know how easy it is to apply map wide HP/Dmg debuff kind of things in Starcraft (or remove cloaking), I just think it’s a crazy amount of extra effort to have less minerals, different amount of units, different AI behaviour, different wave timing (apart from simply cutting out maybe every second wave)

It’s been a long time. How has this been going?

No more content. We periodically get lv5 cap bug on the starter 3 COs.

It’s only what we make of it at this point.

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