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The keyword should be “FUN”. :smiley:

You’re right, and it absolutely should be. So why have a mechanism that:

  • Triggers on death (rewarding non-micro, promoting poor play).
  • Only restore 15% instead of straight up buff units by 15%.
  • Works only every 4min.

How much fun has someone ever really had by having red icon’ units in half their unit group.

The ones that end up enjoying Guardian Shell aren’t having fun at all. Amon’s having more fun haha.

It’s just like HH’s “salvage”. Sounds good but absolutely bad. You gotta lose your unit, then pick up that salv part, only to recover a fractional cost. When really the player is better off with almost any non-death-triggered effect to buff or mitigate their loss (including simply cheaper cost by the recovered amount).

I am hard against these kind of designs.

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