Co-Op Mutation #403: Hardware Malfunction

Two wins over 17 games, not counting the ones I dodged. Both times I played as P0 Raynor with a P3 Stukov ally. I dodged games where I paired with an underleveled or non-Zerg ally, as otherwise I would find myself solo feeding the killbots unsuccessfully.

Fair enough, my ally did most of the minesweeping and killbot feeding and I did most of the nothing. Even when I wasn’t lagging, I couldn’t clear mines without calldowns (infested marines outrange mines but not uninfested ones) and it was a lot cheaper for him to feed, so I mostly did bonuses and scans. I think this just shows how BS this mutation is.

Just some numbers – assuming a 30:05 long game, we have the following:

  • 7 killbots × 5 kills/killbot = 35 kills
  • 21 × 10 = 210 kills
  • 38 × 15 = 570 kills
  • 35 + 210 + 570 = 815 kills

This means if you’re feeding with workers, then for just 40,750 minerals, you can feed a large family of killbots for 30 min. For reference, my allies gathered ~35,000 resources (~55,000 as 12-14 Orbital Raynor) in games that long.

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opening with lots of scans is minesweeping of sorts, with horde stukov they will just set the flag far away and you will be babysitting the detection for them, they wont even notice they had mines on the way, and you want to avoid mobile land armies because the horde pushes your stuff away

try other units or micro a few units to suicide on the mine, then destroy during the cooldown

as for minerals, if someone can gather the minerals, its raynor


You’re making assumptions or didn’t read what i wrote. Am i supposed to feed my own army to Killbots because my ally insists on gathering all of his infested on the optional?

It was never about not being able to clear, many commanders can do that. It was about people ignoring Killbots because optionals were more important to them. On a mutation where leaving the optionals alone increases chances of Killbots spawning behind Aurana, instead of in front of her.

I finished the mission as P3 Mengsk with another P3 Stukov ally who, at the end of the game, averaged 40-45 APM.

The thing is, he was a pretty good ally. Pushing, defending, feeding, minesweeping, actually building detectors, moving buildings forward, and reacting to enemy waves and rogue killbots. He only ignored the bonus objectives, but that’s okay because I got them :slightly_smiling_face:

I know Stukov doesn’t need APM but I think that’s still impressively low for this brutation.

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Thats probably because Stukov’s bunkers auto generate infested. The main thing to worry about when playing Stukov P3 is targeting, bunker placement and making sure you are spending minerals and upgrading stuff as needed.

In general I also wouldn’t worry about the bonus objectives with this mission because this is a rather hard mutator and this map has a lot of things to manage at once. Going for bonus objectives could easily cost someone the game.

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Wow, the AI must surprisingly suck if that work.
I would expect all the mutations to constantly target stetellites, locking P2 Gary in a corner forever, but if the AI is dumb, and manage to not even notice the zone expanding, yeah it may work.

I personally prefer P1 for this. Because if I wanted to play a commander for the powerful hero units, I’d go for a commander that specializes in that. Sort of like Dehaka or Tychus.

Hello everyone. I had an idea for next week’s thread, but before I want to see what the general consensus to help determine if I should do this. In CTG’s threads there was usually a commander of the week announced on a weekly basis. Since these could be a bit outdated, how does everyone feel about having this part of the thread replaced with a weekly poll on which commander they think is best here? Weekly poll would also take into account prestiges.

Or wait. Maybe all I need to do is update the strawpolls with fresh one’s each week.


Hey everyone. I am not sure why this happened, but it says I don’t have trust level 3 at the time. I didn’t get in any trouble recently and I’ve been active here on the forums. Its possible I am missing one of the post or like requirements. I may be able to get it back fairly easily if this is the case. Some of Blizzard’s forums have places you can ask about trust level. I will do that. If anyone else here has trust level 3 in the meantime feel free to post the thread for the upcoming mutation while I see if I can get trust level 3 back.