Co-Op Mutation #387: Train of Pain

Moebius Corps have tapped into their stockpile of nuclear warheads and are shipping them across Tarsonis. The remainder are reserved for your destruction. The cargo explodes upon contact, damaging your forces whenever they attack, so bring extra protection.

Double-Edged - Damage dealt by your units and structures is dealt back to them, but then healed back over time.
Going Nuclear - Nukes are launched at random throughout the map.
Mutually Assured Destruction - Enemy Hybrid units detonate a Nuke upon death.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1                                   Player 2
[CtG Dutiful Dogwalker] [Twotuuu Knowledge Seeker]
[CtG Templar Apparent] Dr Lila Rough Rider
[CtG Primal Contender] RMasterJ Scourge Queen
[CtG Best Buddy] llllllllll Hierarch of the Daelaam

[Reddit Post Link]


  • The warning spot for Going Nuclear is the large targeting area. However, you only have 5 Blizzard seconds of warning before the nuke hits.
  • The nukes sometimes hit the left player’s main mineral line and left geyser.
  • Sturdy units that don’t necessarily have the highest damage output will perform comparatively well vs. Double-edged. So will free units like the Infested and Locusts, and expendable units like Banelings and Spidermines.
  • Your forces also take damage from attacking rocks.
  • Hybrid nukes detonate INSTANTLY after the death animation.
  • Trains do not detonate nukes upon death.

Commander of the Week: Commander of the week [Train of Pain] - Online Poll -
Mutation difficulty:
Do you like this mutation?

Commander of the Week winner of last week:

Weekly Mutation Database
Maguro’s Mutation List


Mass Queen Abathur maybe? Or P2 if your partner can take out the first train so you can mass Swarm Host.

Artanis feels useful with guardian shell and solar bombardment.

I wonder if Karax P2 works. And by that I mean his Immortals don’t insta-kill themselves via Shadow Cannons :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

This mutation requires distance, nukes maybe challenging, but DE is most of my concern. Recommended commanders:

  • HH P3
  • Swann P1
  • Mengsk P1
  • Karax P1
  • Stukov P3
  • Artanis P3
  • Zagara P1
  • Abathur P2

Mutation overlap 202 this week 2nd

1st clear Abathur P1+Artanis

Mutation (Train of Pain) play list

Is double edge bugged? I ran a P1 Mengsk and DE destroyed my ESOs then I had another game with a Mengsk ally and their ESOs didn’t get affected.

AFAIK, you’re better off NOT using Immortals vs. Double-Edged. There may be a way to control the dps to be fine, but nm that’s extra APM sunk into it… you’d also be gimping the main feature of the Immortal, which is high ground dps vs. the Armored tag. And that’s not even factoring in Shadow Cannon, which are their greatest asset, and will kill the Immortal casting it.

That said, I’m going to see if Karax is doable on this (should be, but may be a challenge). He has sturdy units, and some of them aren’t high DPS. Only issue is if towers can’t handle them, he’ll need units to go after them, which would P2 better. And with nukes from the sky and defeated hybrids, it’d need to be P1 for the extra protections offered (Unity Barrier that refreshes every minute, not just 4). P3 can supplement damage to get around DE, but dunno if that’ll be enough.

Zagara P1 + Stetmann P2 vs. Scourge, Viper, Banaling comp — WIN
Zagara did the usual death ball of explodey units, following by Lings to clean up

My ally was able to use and abuse the green zone, and overloading it to keep excessive damage from taking down Super Gary. Many-a-Lings, and they literally got recycled since that’s one of his talent levels. Otherwise, using their Hardened shield gave them that much more longevity

Also, all glory to Stetgara/Zagmann lag! :open_mouth: My PC came to a crawl on the final few trains. It did get much better after taking out the accompanying escort units.

Karax P3 + Stukov P3 — WIN
Starting off was a bit rocky. Stukov P3 needs time into midgame at least to ramp into his namesake, lord of the horde. My Zealots “rockslapping” the trains early on was pitiful, but still did the job. However, I did expend SoA lasers to greatly assist with that.

Midgame, my ally was making much better contributions (getting more bunkers). Here, you do what Karax does best, and support. I had some Energizers following with my Sentinels, but the better use of Karax is to zap units that are accompanying the train. Without having to deal with those escorting units, that frees up Infested Troopers to go to town on the trains.

I eventually got Carriers and Colossi. I lost one of the former, but wasn’t paying attn to how (probably combo of taking a nuke, if not 2, and DE taking the rest of it down?). For the latter, the “set ground on fire” does do damage to the Colossi :frowning: Would recommend NOT getting that upgrade if using them.

SoA lasers remains tops. Use stray shots to take down 1K or 3K in a pinch. Def. get the “set ground on fire” upgrade for the SL. And I spammed the Purifier Beam every chance I got! It’s great not just to weaken the train, but take out units that become more numerous.

For the bottom track, I also made Monoliths. However, HIGHLY recommend you put multiple Shield Batteries to keep them alive!

Beat it with Raynor p0 and a Stukov p3 ally. My plan going in was to make a medic-heavy bio-ball and back it up with a massive econ if I lost armies to nukes. It worked better than I thought - the nukes were easier to avoid than I expected. P1 Raynor probably would’ve been even better.

Also tried tychus p1 just to see if the medic was good enough to save the team… And she wasn’t! Not even close! Don’t play tychus against double edged.

#202 Train of Pain – SOLO ALL CLEAR

Mutators: Double Edged, Mutually Assured Destruction, Going Nuclear

Starting from the third train, hybrid destroyers spawn when the train is attacked. They produce small explosions, so they’re not too dangerous, but don’t forget about them. The top train of the second set of double trains has two hybrid reavers, which produce large explosions. The ninth train has two hybrid reavers and a hybrid behemoth (all big explosions). The tenth train(s) has four hybrid reavers.

Just like the previous mutation with Going Nuclear on OE, don’t build stuff near the edges unless you’re okay with them getting nuked.

For duos: Zagara, Dehaka, Karax, Stukov (pick 2)

For solo queue: Karax

Successes [and key points]

Abathur (p0) [air army for late game]

Alarak (p0) [mass slayers with good control]

Artanis (p3) [the usual]

Dehaka (p2) [pack leaders are immune to DE now]

Fenix (p3) [carriers, but it’s not as easy as it seems]

HH (p1) [calldowns]

Karax (p2) [carriers and SoA]

Kerrigan (p3) [broodlords]

Mengsk (p3) [bunkers]

Nova (p1) [airstrikes on escorts and waves, banshees kite trains]

Raynor (p1) [the usual]

Stetmann (p2) [broodlords]

Stukov (p3) [add tanks in the midgame]

Swann (p0) [calldowns kill escorts, wraiths hit trains]

Tychus (p3) [sam throws three grenades, then medivac lift]

Vorazun (p3) [the usual time stop trick]

Zagara (p1) [the usual]

Zeratul (p1) [mass ambushers with good control]

Questions about any of these runs are welcome.

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Karax (P3) Solo:
Stukov (P3) + Raynor (P1):

Classic Infantry comp.
We both started with fast expos. Ally Raynor took care of the first train using the Hyperion, while I was building up stuff and getting several tanks. Midgame was quite a breeze, until some ghosts started to walk around, trying to cast nukes on us. Luckily, we had some static D (bunkers + detectors). Ally went mass bio army, which was pretty good due to DE. We even got both bonuses (last bonus train almost escaped).

Artanis P2 is OP for this mutation

Stukov P3 + Stetmann P2 - Brutal win. DE makes Infested expendable, Stetzones with HUGS option sustains HP against Classic Mech comp, with only one train escaped.

Abathur (Tunneling Horror) + Arty (Nexus Legate) vs Zerg Winged Brood
Units/Struct = 849 + 848
Units Prod = 156 + 178
Train Dmg = – 882 + 135,083 (not a typo, minus 882)
Bonus = Both trains

Any Artanis prestige except P1 is good here, each for different reasons. P2 is good for the teleport but the attack speed increase can be just as beneficial as detrimental, so skipping on attack upgrades can be a good idea. P3 means your army might die to a nuke but Archon drops will be able to kill most of attack waves by themselves. And P0 means you can place a power field on top of enemy wave and just warp-in Zealots/HTs to kill it (merge HTs after casting Storms while Guardian Shell is still active, otherwise they will kill themselves).

According to the next week’s Mutation, Tychus got “CO of last week”. What comp did folks use for this Mutation?

I had a Tychus ally who quit, and I Know that Crooked Sam dies from Double Edged. Are you supposed to just throw out all of his charges at once in a glory of sacrifice (and have to revive him each time?)

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maybe they got Nikara and Rattlesnake so they could out heal double edged? Or maybe there’s a DE exploit for Tychus that we don’t know.

It might be someone trolling the poll because Tychus got the last place on CtG’s commander tier list for this mutation (happened on last DoN mutation with Artanis, although he wasn’t last there).

The only way someone could consider Tychus strong for this one is if they’re being carried or playing below Brutal (less units to kill and damage to deal to trains).

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in my run, you can see triple sam grenades followed by a medivac pickup. alternatively, you can turn off the Z ability’s autocast and use that right before the grenades explode to avoid double edged damage

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