Co-Op Mutation #373: Onslaught

For barricades, do you just make Hatcheries?

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If reanimators are your problem

Im giving low apm solutions, their hard counter is map control

Day 12 win: Kerrigan P1 with Swann P2. \o/

I don’t know what you talking about - with Swann P2 you can so easily create an impenetrable defense without any siege tanks - layer of flame turrets + sprinkle some missile turrets and then just spam layer after layer of Spinning Dizzies.

No matter how many enemies are getting revived by reanimators/dropped on top of your defenses, they all just get melted in a millisecond. Also building tanks is a waste of money, considering how busted your turrets are.

Even if they were free, the real estate of your base is not infinite - that space is better used by 4 Spinning Dizzies instead of a tank.

Even If a 30 apm noob like me can carry with my turrets and even go on offense using Wraiths + Science Vessels it can only mean it’s absolutely busted.

With a competent partner and against the proper comp maybe. But I was against Immortal, Reaver and they kept dropping a hit squad of immortals that kept murdering my tanks and turrets. Doesn’t even help that my ally was an incompetent Kerrigan that kept pushing even at night with only Kerrigan and kept dying. They also sent spotters and kaboomers against me which are the best anti-def. Compare that to my successful run with P1 and a good ally vs. zerg ground comp.

As for turrets, Siege tanks are better than Billies (the AG turret are called blaster billies btw, spinning dizzies are missile turrets) for me as they do splash and deal up to 100 single target damage with maelstrom rounds. I only get Billies as early game anti-armor, I value them for their slows in the late game.

I learned to love Blasters after playing in Maguro’s maps. There’s a pie chart breakdown of total damage dealt and who dealt it, and blasters always come out ahead of the flame turrets, even on DoN. I chalk it up to range - billies have a ton of it, and flame turrets don’t. Flamers are still good, but I mostly build them for first wave-defense and then just to have a HP wall. Tanks and billies are the damage dealers.

This is a great mutation. Intense, but doesn’t hose any particular commander or build, and with solid game play any commander can be used.

Just don’t, yah know, be a scrub. Like playing swann and rushing goliaths, like my last ally did :slight_smile:

Question: Why wasn’t Zagara attempted? Is massing banelings not an option?

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Because most commanders starve on gas it is where you spent your minerals that makes the difference.

Like kerrigan will gain so much minerals she needs to build 2nd hatch for more queens and drones (for spine/spores all over the base). Because just lurkers, queens and towers at the entrances and high ground is not going to cut it.

Spend your minerals on defense, that is the answer.

Oh yeah immortal-reaver might be the worst comp to be revived by reanimators. That is an instant “apologize-quit-reroll” moment for me. Spotters and kaboomers are actually not that bad - enough blasters will shred them, I think if you rush attack speed and especially range of your turrets with P2 they never outrange you. Spotters just disable my missile turrets and then fly away when hit by other missile turrets endlessly without doing any damage (that is why a good spread of them is important).

Again, blasters (noob like me always forgets them from missile turrets called “spinning dizzies”) are real MVPs - they shred everything. Every single time you are playing P2 don’t bother even building tanks - just blasters after a single line of flamethrowers.

Also when it comes to competent co-op partners - they are always in short supply, but I still got carried by blasters and wraiths:

I don’t know how to post links correctly, but here is my victory screen, it speaks for itself:

With the url pasted in normally, you can use the “Preformatted text” markdown on it. That’s the </> symbol in the toolbar.

For example:

not a good option. banelings are finite and revived enemies (plus AD and outbreak) are endless

Ah, I see. Just too overwhelming for banes.

1st try: Karax P3 + Kerrigan P2 – FAIL
I built a line of cannons and Shield Batteries outside the gate. Then put in Monoliths. My ally went out and sweeping structures. I UNDERESTIMATED HOW OVERWHELMING THE FORCES WILL BE. What would’ve been fine in regular, got overwhelmed here. They broke through, and proceeded to sack our base. For my NE defense (2nd one), that held up better since it was built inside, but TBH, that was in danger as well :\

2nd try: Swann P2 + Karax P1 – WIN
I thought we’d be in trouble since we had nobody who was good at pushing. Given my last game of this we got overwhelmed due to insufficient defenses, I could at least go into this game knowing our base will be in rock solid, good hands.

EARLY ON… deja vu. Ally made a line of towers, but enemy forces had enough push/momentum/“oomph” to take them down. As they were attacking, you could estimate the first cannon would fall within 10 to 20 seconds at that rate. Here, I made a few Flaming Betties in front of the Cannons. Shoring up their weakness vs. swarmy should be enough to compensate. As another bonus of Karax being P1, my towers also get free repair, and Unity Barrier! Glad that enemy comp was tanks and MM.

We’ll still make Gollies for some AA kick, but I could focus on ground. We’ve built many-a-Hellbats. Infested walkers are swarmy, have the Light tag, and so do the Infested Structures! So heavy leaning in on Hellbats meant I wouldn’t hit the gas so hard, which units are +50% more on gas due to Swann Ps’ (-).

MIDGAME… increased more tanks and Gollies, kept replacing Hellbat losses. With SV (Science Vessels), I was sure to Defense Matrix as many frontline forces as possible to extend their life (including War Bots). Ally assisted with occasional OS and SL (Orbital Strike and Solar Lance).

I put more Flaming Betties along the perimeter of ally’s cannon lines, including the NE entrance. Ironically enough for Swann P2, I was running low on minerals, NOT gas, due to the defenses I was adding in, and the sheer amount of Hellbats. For the 3rd breaking in, ally covered his own entrance (NW), while I covered my own (SE). Definitely remember from my Karax experience that minerals are at a premium, so dealing with my own defense there would alleviate that concern.

LATE GAME… my ally eventually made Carriers to join the fray. SW entrance had less infested due to clearing clearing out that quadrant (still had stragglers wandering in, and attack groups “popping in” due to the Mutator), but I was able to build more Supply Depots down there.

Our defense was rock solid at that point that we delayed getting the last 8 structures to wait for night, and take out the bonus. Finished on Day/Night 5

Also, I forgot Void Reanimators were in this mutation! It wasn’t until this point I ran into one!

the problem is cannons, make a line of shield batteries in front of a line of monoliths, you can have one cannon replace a baterry to provide static detection, extend range with an observer to be able to see across walls and to kill offscreen reanimators

one karax (or swann for that matter) is enough to cover defense, although yes, if karax does defense he wont have resources to go out until much later

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