Co-Op Mutation #321: Rise from Ashes

Coming back into SC2 Co-op recently, I’ve had a MAJORLY wicked slug-fest with this Brutation, what with carrying several under-leveled teammates to no avail… then my one true ally came through.

This time, my trusty P3 Zeratul was met with an ally being a well-seasoned P2 Abathur. We took out the first few Void Slivers with relative ease, but as waves became stronger – as did the appearance of Void Reanimators being more numerous, we definitely struggled towards the end.

My ally did their best in pushing the last few Slivers, as I teleported Zeratul back to our base on occasion, clearing away the attackers in one last-ditch effort to keep us both alive (since losing our mains would mean all is for naught,) so we won! It’s such a well-earned victory. :3

I’ve kept the replay file close for good times. Not sure if anyone would like to see a video of that lol.

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Much better to drop bunkers in the special locations where the rocket troopers can reach the slivers.