As far as I’m aware this “bug” has been in the game since day 1. Kinda like the beam damage “bug” that they tried to “fix” as a stealth oracle nerf.
It’s neither. The tooltip is right, it just turns out there is a non-trivial micro trick that can increase the range for the first volley. There’s a reason you don’t see it being used constantly in premier tournaments and that’s because it’s not easy to do when you’re also managing infestor, viper, lingbane/roachrav against sieged tanks/libs/thors/hellbats/ghosts. This game is full of hidden micro tricks that ignore tooltips. According to tooltips hellions hardcounter lings, yet in actual engagements lings can completely neutralize the threat of hellions because of the body blocking. Is that a bug or is it just how units interact? (Hint: It’s not a bug and until Blizzard explicitly says BL range is a bug, you’re just wrong about it being a bug)
Oh f*king boy. Here we go again. I wish we could have the old forums, so we can dislike this into oblivion.
I wish Tanks and Colossi had a micro to go above their ranges on tooltip. The outcry from Zerg players would be massive.
Okay, because it seems that nodody wants to think by themselves and just simply cry, I’ll explain one possible reason why the brrodlord attack is implemented the way it is.
Let us take a closer look at how the broodlord’s attack works (in broad strokes, lets divide it into simple processes). It chooses a target, then the broodlings move out in kind of a “lock on” fashion, then the broodlings shoot off and fly toward the target. What can we take from this process? It takes time. A lot of time. This attack pattern was chosen in order to give the broodling strike attack its very unique feel, something that gives the broodlord a huge part of its identity as a unit and a unique feel.
Now, what would happen if the broodlord attacked actually when it was the actual range away of the enemy, let us think about it. By the time the broodlords would have actually fired at the opponents, a lot of them would already be dead because the majority of units that fire back have instant hitting or very fast hitting projectiles, to a point that some units might attack many times before the first broodling strike actually completes. That is why the broodlord needs a buffer range in order to ensure to not always take multiple more hits nefore having a chance to strike. The movement speed of the broodlord is 1.97 range units/seconds, its attack cadence is 1.79 seconds which I will take as a first approximation to how much time the actual broodling strike actually takes. Multiplying them together gives 3.53 range units, so in practice I would have guessed that the developers chose 13 (or 12 from the actual unit targeting circle, giving approximately somewhere between 12 and 13 to the center of the majority of units) as the buffer range so that the first attack actually hits slightly after the broodlord moving directly at the opponent reaches 10 range.
This is pretty much speculation, I can confirm nothing, but it seems to be a pretty good explanation and would mean that it is not a bug but fully intended by the developers to make broodlords usable in practice given their very slow attack process. It also would explain why, despite this being known since many years ago, the developers have made no attempt to tackle it. If the range was made to 10, to balance this effect out the broodling strike would have to be much faster (not higher attack speed, just a faster process) which would mean that the broodlord itself would lose much of its flavour. I certainly would not advocate to removing identity from races/units in general, but I would understand that other people would.
Anyways, maybe instead of crying so much what needs to happen is to think before coming to conclusions. Maybe it is actually a bug, who knows, but if this is removed from the broodlord then something needs to change urgently to make such a clunky unit as would be left useful in any capacity.
Also, Serral used it to completely decimate HeroMarines Thors using only massively damaged broodlords without Thors being capable to shoot back.
Thor should counter brood, but if Z simply clicks on Thor and moves back, broods hardcounter Thors. Its either bug or bad game design.either way needs fix now.
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For context, Serral vs Heromarine built so many broodlords agianst thors (3000/2000 in cost for thors, 5100/4250 in broodlords in the actual last fight of game 2 that seased the game pretty much) that expecting the thors to win has to be a joke… The next fight half the thors were split in groups and a bunch of them were fighting queens, great moves by Serral actually outplaying his opponent.
4 chargelots absolutely trash 4 sieged tanks. Difference in cost is 400 to 600/500.
12 cracklings absolutely trash Thor. Difference in cost is 300 to 300/200.
1 Queen can kill 3 helions easily. Difference in cost is 150 to 300.
Counters SHOULD beat more of units they counter. Otherwise they would not be counters.
More, yes. Twice the cost with specific anti-thor support? And when the thors were split and Serral did in no instance of the game engage the whole thor force at once except with overwhelming numbersbut rather picked it apart? Come on. At least invest in a ghost platoon…
There was no support. Serral used only Brood autoattack bug to push them away without them being able to fire back.
So, those infestors underneath the broodlords or the vipers?
I’d consider them support units. Support units very good against thors, coincidentally. The vipers more of a supportive role, the infestors a bit more agressive role, but one that says “You should not come engage these broodlords”.
I mean, at that point in the game I was surprised that Heromarine did not make ghosts, libs or both. Hellbat-thor are very good against pure broodlord alone, but if you get infestors and/or vipers I’d say it would be a good idea to get soem ghost-liberator, ghosts especially.
In fact,BL’s max range can reach 13 if you attack a certain target instead of A-move.
So queens, vipers, and infestors aren’t support units? You’re a special kind of stupid ain’t ya?
Die mad
20 more char
Well too bad, you just have to live with you being wrong and me being right