Better Game Balance mod (v4.271) updated changes

It’s available on all servers. All changes are ready for implementation…


Terran - TvP Mech (Hellbat, Cyclone, Raven)

The goal of these Terran changes is to make TvP Mech more viable, without making Mech more powerful in TvZ and TvT.


  • Hellbat biological attribute tag removed

Hellbats now no longer take bonus damage from Archons, this allows the Hellbat survive longer in engagements against Protoss ground armies that have Archons in them. This greatly helps Mech and even Bio against Zealot-Archon in TvP.

Additionally this means Hellbats cannot be targeted by the Ghosts Steady Targeting ability, can’t be healed by Medivacs and doesn’t take bonus damage from Spore Crawlers.


  • Range increased from 5 to 6

This changes makes it so Cyclones will always stay behind the 5 range Hellions when attacking regardless if the Cyclone is auto-attacking or using Lock On(7 range). It also gives Hellion-Cyclone-Tank very similar playstyle dynamics and feel to Vulture-Goliath-Tank from Broodwar.


  • Cost decreased from 100/200 to 100/150

Ravens can now be more easily added to mid-late game Mech army compositions as support due to the reduced the gas cost.

Zerg - Ultralisk


  • Push Priority increased from 10 to 11

Ultralisk can now push all units in front of it out of the way. Ultralisk can now be mixed into any Zerg ground composition without ending up stuck dancing behind them during engagements because of pathing issues.

Protoss - Mid game Adepts, PvP Sentrys, PvP Disruptors

The goal of these Protoss changes are to make Protoss better in PvZ and PvP, without making them stronger in TvP.


  • Can now target air units

The Adept now has significantly more mid-late game utility and core unit viability, as a Stalker alternative and complement for AA. It can be used as a response to Mutalisk and Locust in ZvP, Phoenix and Interceptors in PvP, Ravens and Banshees in PvT. In mid-late game PvT fights they can also be used to shade under sieged Liberators and in early ZvP they can be used to attack overlords similar to what Terran does with Marines in early ZvT. This change has no impact on using the Adept for worker harassment, timing attacks and fighting ground targets.


  • Force Field now blocks the Adept Psionic Transfer.
  • Force Field now blocks the Disruptor Purification Nova.

These changes provide more early game stability against Adept timings and provide counter play in the mid-game against Disruptors. The Sentry becomes more viable and vital all game long in PvP.


  • Damage changed from 145(+55 vs Shields) to 145

This change reduces the power of the Disruptor in PvP, the power of Disruptors in numbers in PvP, and reduces the number of game ending moments caused by Disruptors in PvP. Disruptors are now less dominating in the PvP match up, allowing for more PvP ground unit composition variety such as the usage of Colussus.


Looking for play testers, it’s been several months since I’ve lasted updated it.

Still working on it, but cleaned up and finalized the Protoss changes recently and they play really well.

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The source where you grab that>?

These don’t sound too bad


I like most of these. Specially the FF blocking novas one. That one seems like it could be pretty interesting.


So now hellbat less live in fight

Interested to know how this will go!

I especially like the adept, ultralisk and sentry changes. Hellbat, Idk haha :thinking:

Have you ever messed around with Raven acceleration? I feel increasing it to 4.2 would greatly improve its microability on the field!

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Hellbats now survive longer against Archons.

yess but in exchange you lose healing? what about TvZ? healing is useful in this match up!


How often do you even see hellbat medivac? They will take more bane hits, less damage from archons and colossus the biggest reason it isnt used. If you need to heal them do it the same way you heal other mech units, the scv.


Explain in more detail.

not often outside of hellbats timing attacks in Tvz

Hellbat: would be interested to see how this would affects TvP. I think it has a good enough trade off, being unable to be healed now but also doesn’t take bonus damage from archons/adepts. I think its a decent change, worth taking a look at.

Cyclone: Im not sure what the impact of this would be. If it would make battle mech much harder to deal with. Specially for zergs. But I would be interested to see it in play.

Raven: Im fine with this since in its current role its mostly a support caster. As long as seeker missile never makes a return im cool with this change.

Ultra: I’ve felt ultras need this for a long time, either this or just make them like colo. Currently they are a bit to clunky and this would help a lot.

Adept: I feel like this would help toss counter muta tech without being forced to go star gate so that would help a lot. Stalkers are ok but they don’t really deal with mutas very well and archons are often far to slow to keep up. I don’t think it would make much of a difference in PvT so I think it would be a cool change.

Sentry: as I said I would like to see the disruptor/ff interaction. I think it would make for some interesting engagements and would help counter ruptors without ruptors of your own.

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Adepts do bonus vs light, Archons do a bonus vs biological.

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ahh my mistake I thought you removed the light tag as well XD

ahh my mistake I thought you removed the light tag as well XD

Hellbats are now just like Hellions. Light and Mechanical.

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Yeah I see now XD Miss read it. At any rate though. Seem like good changes to me.

What about ultralisk armor nerf?

I don’t like the adept being able to hit air but everything else sounds not bad.