That’s true, though one may wonder if that’s not the intent with that flux vane speed setting ; and if voidrays aren’t meant to be a counter to corruptors (corruptors being more aimed to counter carriers or BCs). However, the point of balance between fair fight and overkill might be delicate to find.
Anyway, if you’re worried about a 4.72 speed 200 HP unit not being able to escape voidrays anymore ; maybe you can understand why some terrans feel somewhat concerned about their 3.85 speed 135 HP fighter having the same issue. It’s not like the vikings could prevent 5.11 speed voidrays from staying in range.
2 vikings = 270 HP / 4 supplies / 39.2 DPS / 300M 150G / 30s prod (reactor) The DPS of corruptors and vikings would decrease faster than the voidrays’ in a fight though.
I think the voidray, which is intended to counter the corruptor, would get more cost efficient at it with proposed buffs. I’m not sure the vikings, which are intended to counter the voidray, will still be cost efficient in that regard. The numbers should favor both corruptors and vikings, but the trades will logically be more favorable to the protoss. Fungles, parasitic bombs, abducts, storms and EMPs not being considered though.
You see what the protoss is up to because of overlords and map Control. And You see the warp prism and Adept movement with with overlords and creep. So You basically have full Vision of whats coming. You have to react properly and Split Your units and At the beginning be on the edge of creep to deny shading in bases. Watch recent reynor or serral matches. They hold it effortlessly now because they got used to it.
I have. I also just can You give the example of Denver vs skillous it was such an easy hold.
Last matches i watched it was pretty easy. Reynor zest serral stats.
If You get killed by units that are dying like flies to roaches while You have full Vision on enemy Tech and later on his movement while You got a speedbuff on creep and he actually Needs to manually Kill workers in order to succeed while throwing away his whole combat army…maybe…just maybe You got outmicroed
I thought zerg Players are the best Players and are the best At Multitasking too
reynor vs zest, zest shaded into clump of lings right before roaches popped from the nearby hatchery. Unlucky, but also poor positioning. To make matters worse, he decides to not kite with those adepts whatsoever and warp in 4 stalkers with his prism at reynor’s third to kill a single overlord, whereas every other pro would’ve sent the prism with 4 adepts into the main. Really the stalker warpin was reminiscent of another game he threw doing the same build a month or so ago…
Serral vs stats, the first round of adepts adepts were 30 seconds late as evidenced by the casters literally stating it, and w/ nothing going on in the early game, he literally just messed up the build order…
It’s honestly just funny watching you try and convince me how hard 4gate glaives is when it’s patently obvious which side is easier
I mean…you realize that you proved the point? Killing a good zerg with adepts is not as easy as it seems. We saw that strat 3 out of 7 times and it was every time a huge letdown and was defended easily. And they did exactly what i said: be on the edge of creep so they cant shade into your bases. they simply cant attack you that way and if the shade goes through its uncertain if its a wise decision because you dont have the map vision aka maybe you are shading right into a trap happen 2 times of those 3 times we saw that strat.
i can give your point you made earlier right back to you: you dont know the matchup from the protoss side. denver learned from his mistake.
if its so much easier to execute than it is to defend then denver should have it very easy no?
If you mean prove the point as in prove how easy 4gate adept is, sure . These are not difficult mistakes to fix, get your build order down, don’t warp in stalkers when you’re doing 4 gate glaives… lol.
I do know the matchup on the protoss side, want me to provide you replay of me beating zerg around my level with glaives?
Sorry but 1 offrace game between tier 2 pros proves nothing.
Ah ok, noobs replays matter but pro offrace dont. Got you.
oh yes. Telling zest and stats to learn to play
Maybe. Just maybe its not always as easy as it seems? Build was used 3 times. Got defended 3 times. Adept glaive is basically the same as bc. When it first was used every zerg cried their hearts out because they werent used to. Now they know how to defend and its ok. Get over it.
Still waiting on evidence of you defending it from zerg side like you said. I’m ready to provide evidence I experienced it from protoss side, you seem to shy away when I mention replays…
Also, I am a good 500+ mmr above you, even my protoss is above your protoss… so if I am noob, I guess you must be… mentally impaired?
Better than denying the existence of blatant missplays that were even called out in the cast LOL.
In that it’s extremely problematic and barely defendable, sure. Really comparing it to the BC benefits my argument considering the gravity at which BC has influenced zerg metagame to go from hydra to muta…
Very weird that there werent any real missplay from the other side when its “barely defendable” Weird world indeed.
except that bc openers are rarely used anymore. not because of a follwing up metagame. they simply dont get the worth out of it anymore…will be the same as in adept opener. maybe not because its on of the only few valid strats.
Bc openers were used heavily in DH, the fact that you think they’ve faded out shows you don’t even pay attention to tvz…
BC was used in 20% of tvz’s in dh summer, with the typical amount being 3. Really when you look at the unit frequency for tvz it shows the abundance of options terran has compared to zerg.
ok let me rephrase it: they arent used as often as last year. What i wanted to say is that terran abused the state of tvz where z didnt know how to react. we had many outright losses when the first bcs arrived. Its the same with pvz adept style. We saw many outright losses a few weeks ago. It was a hard time but now they are used to it. underlining point: neither of the 2 strats were broken. they were new.
I’ve already wondered. Maps have usually influenced Terran and Zerg a lot. For Terran: good drop spots and siege tank locations and for Zerg open area for heavy surround.
What would be considered a protoss map, or is protoss just middle of the road?
Maps with lots of ramps that are 1-2 forcefields wide, with easy to hold 3rd bases, are pretty good for P. Any good protoss map needs an easy to wall natural, this helps against both other races.
Also if the main has lots of cliffs that are 2 levels up, so that blink stalkers can jump in but reapers can’t, that helps.
Truth be told, having some sneaky spots for cannons and proxies also makes a big difference.
Cannon rush into proxy void ray may be the most cancerous strategy in this entire game and it just got a huge buff, awesome, great design choice, 10/10.