Balance Update - August 6, 2020

So, the balance update came shortly after all :

For my part, I’ve got nothing against the VR cost being decreased, nor the Tempest getting an upgrade to be better at sieging structures/spore forests (spot on, Ollumbubu !). Buffing revelation duration will also make it more useful in lategame. :slight_smile:

However, I’m a bit puzzled about the Voidray speed increase and production time, since 3.85 is indeed the same speed than a viking. In other words, coupled to its beam’s leeway, that would mean that a viking hit once would then be unable to escape from a VR’s lock. That would affect those two units’ interactions since vikings were previously able to kite voidrays ; and might be particularly significant in the case of proxy SG with batteries (not to mention cyclones might also have a harder time at avoiding the beams). :confused:

Furthering the banes nerf vs armored/specialization against light armor will certainly help the protoss, but I’m not so sure PvZ is in a so bad spot anymore. I don’t think that we’ve had enough time to look back on the last baneling nerf, nor a stable appreciation of current balance since Aligulac’s July report looks quite different than May or even June.

Lastly, and though it’s not balance related, I’d like to once again try bringing your attention on the smurfs issue, since I believe their proportion has increased, and I think that’s not good for the game as a whole.
At the moment, I’ve only assessed their ratio though a player’s experience in plat-diam, but I should have a fully randomized evaluation for gold league out within three days.

Anyway, thanks for the community feedback, SC2 team ! :slight_smile: