Are there users attempts to fix balance?

I’ve been wondering about this forum: have people ever tried to get organized to fix balance?

  1. Assembling the team
  2. Defining what to change to fix things
  3. Get someone to create/modify a mod in the map editor that apply those changes
  4. Test it internally, go back to step 2 until satisfying for the team
  5. Release it publicly to get external opinions, go back to 2 until no flaws can be found
  6. Ask Blizzard to have a look at it

Not flawless, but more constructive than posting tons of post that…what do they do by the way?
I know it would have been a more intuitive solution if the editor didn’t have a tendency to crash, but it should still be worth a try?

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There is already such balance mod, that took into consideration a lot of feedback from the community. It is available for testing as modification in melee games.

I can recall one of his post with suggested changes was edited over 90 times, so what he implemented are carefully thought over changes, you may disagree with.

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You can’t make any team, because every player is more or less biased towards his own race.

I feel like I have a pretty good understanding of balance. I know I can be a bit biased towards terran but I can be pretty good at making abstraction.

From the guy that sugested EMP should also disable all robotic units

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I feel like I have a pretty good understanding of balance. I know I can be a bit biased towards terran but I can be pretty good at making abstraction.

Congratulations on your first funny joke!


at least someone got the joke hehe